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Belleville post who celebrated his 94th birthday April 5. family members and friends of the local Polish families
Gutierrez was born in 1925 and served in the Navy in formed the Polish National Alliance (PNA). Those mem-
World War II from 1943 until 1945 in the European bers launched the local PLAV Post 167 and attended their
Theatre in Italy, North Africa, Belgium, France and then first meetings at the PNA Hall until joining the Belleville
his ship traveled the Panama Canal to the Pacific VFW Post 4434. The groups now function as one organiza-
Theatre. tion with the same beliefs and credo, a spokesman said.
Gutierrez came to the Belleville area from Detroit in Both veterans groups work together to provide servic-
1947 and joined the VFW post where he is part of the es to the community.
VFW Honor Guard. The veterans provide Honor Guard Services; support
Gutierrez and his late wife, Sarah Jane, were the par- school programs; visit VA hospitals; present Bugles
ents of 12 children and he now lives with son, Jeff, and his Across America and were involved in implementing the
family. His son, Primitivo Gutierrez IV is also a member Community Veterans Memorial.
of the Belleville VFw Post and is called “Primo Quattro” The groups are also well known for their annual
to differentiate between the two veterans. “Buddy” poppy sales in the community. Proceeds of the
VFW Post 4434 was chartered officially on Oct. 7, 1945 sales go directly to support veterans of all branches of the
as the dream of World War I veteran Harold 'Harry” Agee, service and their families.
who enlisted 228 veterans of both World War I and World “The PLAV and the VFW have been instrumental in
War II in the new group. supporting our honorable veterans,” noted a festival com-
Mr. Agee became the first post commander of the mittee member. “Sadly many servicemen died, some
group which met in the Van Buren Town Hall/Belleville were wounded in combat and others, thankfully, returned
Police Department, as Mr. Agee was serving as chief of home to their families unharmed but forever mindful of
police at that time. their unforgettable experiences.
Eventually, the group moved into their first official “We are grateful to all who served and to those who
facility located at 750 Huron River Dr. and eventually, cir- work to make sure they are never forgotten,” she conclud-
cumstances necessitated a move to the present location ed.
at 44170 Bemis Road. At that move, the VFW and the
PLAV Post 167 were enjoined and the liaison has contin-
ued and proven mutually beneficial since that time.
The VFW Post 4434 will be celebrating “75 Years of
Service” on Sept. 21 this year and plan to include the
dedication of a 105mm Howitzer in the official ceremony.
The weapon will remain on display permanently at the
The Polish Legion of American Veterans (PLAV) was
founded in 1920. During the early 1900s, there was a large
influx of Polish immigrants who migrated to the United
States to escape the unrest in Europe. Many members of
these families joined the United State military and in
support of the national heritage of those servicemen,