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A brief history lesson
Sumpter Country Fest is decades-old township tradition
More than three decades of history ” The theme of the festival was
will be celebrated this year at the The annual celebration changed in 1986 to include “country”
34th Annual Sumpter Country and the event evolved into the
Festival set, as always, during the began in 1975 when Adonna Sumpter Country Fest. The event was
Memorial Day Weekend in the town- Demski organized the then moved from Graham Park to the
ship. Sumpter Township Fairgrounds. In
The annual celebration began in one-day event staged at 1987, a championship rodeo and the
1975 when Adonna Demski organized Graham Park on Wear Road. Demolition Derby were added to the
the one-day event staged at Graham attractions. The festival has contin-
Park on Wear Road. ued to expand every year.
At that first celebration, about 10 val, then called Sumpter Days, Attendance figures have grown to
volunteers helped Demski arrange all included a parade with several floats approximately 20,000 or more, organ-
the activities, including fireworks, and attendance at the event grew to izers noted.
crafts, a parade, the honored citizens, about 2,000. Subsequent Sumpter The Country Fest is organized and
a small carnival and a queen contest. Days festivals with similar activites operated exclusively by volunteer
The event attracted about 100 visitors took place at Graham Park and then members of the Parks and Recreation
that year. in 1984 and 1985, the festival became Commission and the community.
During the national Bicentennial a four-day event including Memorial The festival is also a registered
celebration in 1976, the Sumpter festi- Day. non-profit, 501.c 3 organization.