Sumpter Country Fest 2018 - page 13

Page 11
Local business owner is Grand Marshal
Joe Nasser Grand Marshal of the Sumpter Country Fest
this year, has proven the old saying that everything old is
Nasser is the owner of the Sumpter Market at the corner
of Sumpter and Willis roads, a corner that was the hub of
township activity many years ago. The corner, at one time,
was the site of Welt's Grocery and Gas, Joe Sietz' General
Store & Gas, Henry Sietz' Hardware Store, Sobecki's Willis
Bar, Bowling Alley and Gas Station, Januszyk's Roller Rink,
Caesar's Restaurant and a shoe store among the other mer-
chants. All those establishments are now a part of the histo-
ry of the township and the corner was abandoned for many
In 2011, Nasser purchased the property where the bowl-
ing alley and gas station formerly stood and built the
Sumpter Market which features a delicatessen, pharmacy
and gas station, a much-needed addition to the community,
residents agreed. A corner of the township that was vacant
for decades is now an attractive business providing for the
needs of the community.
“Joe and Fay Nasser and their family business is a wel-
come addition to the community that has “certainly added
to our 2018 theme, ‘Country Living at its Best,’” committee
members said.
“We are honoring, the Joe and Fay Nasser family as
GrandMarshal in our 2018 Sumpter Country Fest,” commit-
tee members said. “We thank them for their support of our
community events.”
Grand Marshal 2018 Joe Nasser
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