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2018 Citizen of the Year Chuck Murdock and his wife, Andrea, are all smiles at the award presentation recognizing
Murdock's long list of volunteer work in the Northville community.
Honored Citizen 2018 is dedicated volunteer
As part of the 4th of July Parade this some part of this honor is that we are stealth’ mode, moving throughout our
year, the Northville Chamber of never at a loss in finding a deserving community helping and making it just
Commerce is honoring the 2018 Citizen selection. We have such an amazing that much better.’
of the Year Chuck Murdock. community and there's a reason why; Humphries noted that all the recipi-
Murdock was honored by the cham- so many give their time, their talents ents of the Citizen of the Year award
ber last fall for his outstanding commu- and their hearts to Northville,” she have no thought of themselves or of
nity volunteerism and involvement. said. “atta boys” while continuing their vol-
During the presentation to Prior to announcing Murdock as the unteer work in the community.
Murdock, Northville Chamber 2018 Citizen of the Year, Humphries She listed Murdock's volunteer
Executive Director Jodie Humphries introduced several past winners of the work with the Friends of Maybury
provided the large crowd with some honor who were in attendance, includ- State Park, where he serves as the
background on the award and the ing Jim Nield, Chris Johnson, Michelle board president and is also the park
selection of Murdock. Fecht, Mayor Ken Roth, Lauren version of John Muir, helping conduct
“Each year we honor an individual Romeo, and the 2017 recipient, Chuck testing, monitoring nesting patterns,
in our community who has decided Lapham. organizing events and programs within
that they will make a difference and She described Murdock as being “as the park.
that difference will change our com- humble and low key as you can get
munity for the better. The truly awe- while always in ‘charitable/volunteer See Citizen, page 4