Page 20 - ICE2025
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       Party time

       E.G. Nicks hosting unique ice bar, live entertainment

         The hottest place in Plymouth dur-  tent nearly a decade ago.        he said.
       ing the Ice Festival is undoubtedly  “Now, it just wouldn't be the festival  In addition to the ice bar, the Party
       E.G. Nicks on Forest Street where the  without it,” Agostini said. The novelty  Tent has now grown into one of the
       ice bar is set up on the front patio and  ice bar started about 10 years ago  most popular events in the area partic-
       the Party Tent takes place in the rear  when carvers created a bar, with seat-  ularly when a popular band is per-
       parking lot.                       ing, on what was then the front of the  forming on the tent stage. This year,
         The Party Tent has become a tradi-  restaurant. “They did a fantastic job  according to Agostini, he expects large
       tion at several local event in the city as  back then” Agostini said, “and it just  crowds both Friday and Saturday
       it is a fundraiser for the Plymouth-  gets better and better.” Now the novel-  because of the following both bands
       Canton Vietnam Veterans of America.  ty of having a really cold drink attracts  have.
       The live music in the huge, heated tent  a group of regulars who wouldn't miss  “On Friday night we were lucky
       on Friday and Saturday nights brings  the event, along with folks who haven't  enough to get Ava James and the
       in crowds of the over-21 crowd who  seen the unusual serving method    Rumors and they are really popular,”
       donate a $5 cover charge to help the  before. There is a bartender on hand  Agostini said. “We had them last year
       veterans. Beer and wine service in the  at the ice bar all weekend and patrons  and the crowd loved them.” The heat-
       tent is handled by E.G. Nick's owners  keep him busy, Agostini noted. There  ed tent includes a professional sound
       Frank Agostini and Tony Belli who  have been some “unusual” serving    system and is comfortable no matter
       started hosting popular bands in the  methods involved over the past years,  what the exterior temperature might
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