Page 17 - ICE2025
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Furry friends
Popular petting farm, pony rides entertain youngsters
While the ice sculptures may be the This year, the number of ponies, so she was unsure of how they might
stars of the Plymouth Ice Festival, a set along with the variety of other animals adapt if the weather is really cold. She
of special guests rivals the artistic carv- will depend on the weather as Iacobelli stressed that all the animals she brings
ings for the attention of visitors. won't take a chance on any of her ani- are used to being handled and around
The petting farm and pony rides pro- mals getting ill or chilled. people since they have all been raised at
vided by Carousel Acres are among the "These are all animals we have raised the farm and are socialized.
most popular events at the Ice Festival here on the farm so we understand their Iacobelli and her family, including
and the crowds are always entertained temperament and nature. We won't' take daughters and grandchildren, are all
by the farm animals and ponies provid- a chance with them," she explained in a involved with the farm. She worked in
ed by owner Tammy Iacobelli. Carousel previous interview. She added there are special education for 28 years before
Acres has been providing specialized lots of available animals she could bring, operating Carousel Acres full time. She
animals for schools, parties and festivals including a miniature horse, a donkey, said she expects to send two staff mem-
for nearly three decades and has per- some goats, a sheep or two, an alpaca bers with the animals for the ice festival.
fected the hugely popular animal inter- and perhaps some ducks and bunnies She said she was unsure about how
actions. Iacobelli noted that children and even a baby calf. many ponies she might bring for the
love to see the farm and sometimes She said the roster of animals always pony rides this year.
more exotic creatures she brings to local depends on the weather. She explained
events. that the bunnies are not usually outside, See Animals, page 18