Page 5 - FF2022
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and need younger people to take over. Taste Fest usually sponsored as a
Batcho urged community residents to fundraiser for the Civitans club.
volunteer and get involved with one of Obviously, COVID cancelled the event
the service clubs or non-profits in the and conditions may prevent it from
community. She explained that there returning. Batcho said the Civitans
are so many groups, like Kiwanis, were teamed up with a sno-cone ven-
Lions Club, Optimists, Civitans, Special dor at the festival last year and it
Olympics, along with local school proved beneficial for both. “It worked
groups and two Rotary clubs in the city, out perfectly,” she said, and was bene-
there is a group to appeal to just about ficial and profitable for them both.”
every interest. Each one, she said, is Batcho is a resident of Farmington
dedicated to doing good and benefiting Hills but is dedicated to her duties in
the community as a whole. the Plymouth Canton Optimist Club.
“This is the way to truly have a voice She also currently leads membership
in the community. If you can't effect development for the Canton Chamber
change there, what chance to we of Commerce.
have?” she said. Pam Batcho Some new attractions at the Fall
The effort to ensure that every for- Festival were still in negotiation at
profit vendor was sponsored by a com- 2019, she explained. An example, she
munity non-profit became effective in said, was the traditional Friday night See President, page 6