Page 4 - FF2022
P. 4
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Community effort
New Fall Festival president stresses civic service
When new Plymouth Fall Festival dor at the event is required to have a
President Pam Batcho took on the myr- ” non-profit sponsor, Batcho said. Every
iad of responsibilities of the job, she Every one of these booth along the downtown streets is
had some big shoes to fill, both figura- vendors is helping a civic or service group or a
tively and literally. school group or club somehow. “This
When veteran Plymouth Fall helping a really is an all-community event,” she
Festival President Eric Joy decided to non-profit group. said. “Every one of these vendors is
step down last year, Batcho agreed to helping a non-profit group in the com-
take on responsibility for the largest munity.”
event in the city. Festival goers accus- While COVID played havoc with the
tomed to seeing the very tall Joy riding the committee of volunteers this year event during the past few years, Batcho
in a city golf cart throughout the week- with Gerber acting as vice-president. said she expects that festival atten-
end event will this year see Batcho, They plan to switch those positions dance will be strong this year as people
who is about half his size. next year, Batcho said, when she are eager to get out and enjoy some
She does, however, match him fully becomes the state governor of the family events. “It's going to be great,”
in dedication to the community and Optimists Club. she said. “We have to be good stewards
organizational skill. “It seemed like a good arrange- and ensure that people are safe, but
Batcho had been involved with the ment,” she added. Batcho said the this is a chance for people to get back a
festival for more than five years as a board which organizes the festival little taste of what is normal. I think
member of the Optimists Club which comprises a representative from each people are ready to be part of their
presents the popular pet show every non-profit group participating. community again and are looking for
year. She said both she and Andrea “Everyone has a voice in the manage- ways to belong and help.
Gerber, another longtime volunteer at ment of the event,” she said. “Everyone “I think COVID forced all of us to
the event, were willing to take on the is always willing to help.” Other com- decide what is really important. It
leadership role, but Gerber was unable mittee officers this year include Kathy takes a village to be a village,” she
to take it on this year and Batcho had Turnquist of the Civitans and Matt added. Batcho said that all the non-
other commitments for 2023. They Studnicki, who acts as treasurer. profit and civic groups are always look-
agreed to split the leadership role with There are visitors to the festival who ing for volunteers as members of sever-
Batcho agreeing to act as president of are unaware that every for-profit ven- al of the organizations are aging out