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Kiwanis: Serving the Children of the World
It's a lot more than pancakes. every year for communities, families
When members of the Plymouth ” and projects.
Kiwanis Club start serving their Service is Locally, the Plymouth club focuses
famous pancake breakfasts early at the heart on changing the world by serving
Saturday morning during the Fall children, one child at a time. To
Festival, they are also serving their of every reach more people and have a
community. The club members are Kiwanis club. greater service impact on their com-
an eclectic mix of ages, genders, munities, many clubs sponsor a
occupations, backgrounds and inter- Kiwanis family club - K-Kids for pri-
ests all passionate about making their mary school children; Builders Club
community and the world a better dren. The Kiwanis International for adolescents; Key Club for teens;
place for children. organization takes on large-scale Circle K club for university students
The $7 advance or $8 dollar day-of challenges, such as fighting disease and Aktion Clubs for adults living
fee for the pancakes, sausage and and poverty. Service is at the heart of with disabilities.
juice breakfast is just one of the every Kiwanis club, no matter where The Kiwanis members bring the
fundraisers club members host to members are located. Members stage Good Morning USA Parade to down-
ensure their ability to provide servic- approximately 150,000 service proj- town Plymouth each Fourth of July
es locally and worldwide for chil- ects and raise nearly $100 million and regularly add new features to