Page 12 - FF2022
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BBQ from page 11 tear down and security,” he added. dollar from the event, after the sup-
Stoltz said that while the day itself plies and food is paid for, goes back
and kept sanitary. is exhausting, many former adult vol- into the community.
In addition, Stoltz, noted, unteers return just to help out for the “We are not the only group out
Christensen's Plants loans them a day as they understand the impor- there working for the community,” he
large truck to pick up the specially- tance of the event to the community. said. “The Kiwanis, The Lions, all
designed and printed boxes and trans- “Many of them started at the bar- those clubs really do a lot of good, too.
port the multitude of other equipment beque while they were in high school People don't understand that there are
necessary, including tables and chairs, and they reach out to help,” he said. a lot of people donating a lot of time to
the cement blocks, the grills, charcoal “This is really a whole community do good for the community.”
and lighter along with huge pieces of event, everybody is involved some- Dinners this year will include the
machinery. The enormous boiler for how.” traditional half barbequed chicken,
the corn has to be transported to the Stoltz, a Canton Township resident, chips, an ear of corn, a roll, a beverage
site along with the disassembled said he is always surprised when peo- and a cookie.
mechanical conveyor that brings the ple do not understand the real pur- The price this year, raised due to
food to the volunteers for packaging. pose of the barbeque and what it the expense of supplies, is $13 if pur-
“It is no small operation and there means to the community. “The good chased in advance and $15 if pur-
are a lot of moving parts,” Stoltz said. we are able to do with the funds raised chased the day of the barbeque.
“We couldn't do it without the volun- is tremendous,” he said. Stoltz stressed Tickets are available from all Rotary
teers and the people who donate. The that there are no administration or members and at stations along Main
city is really helpful to us, too, with the management expenses and that every Street on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.