Page 4 - FF2018
P. 4
Rotary from page 1
block walls is covered with sand to pro-
tect the parking lot surface and then
the pits are loaded with charcoal bri-
quettes. The “smoke eaters” arrive no
later than 7:30 a.m. on Sunday to stoke
the fires and get the charcoal lit and at
the ideal temperature for the chicken.
“This really is a labor of love,”
Muma said. “By the end of the bar-
beque, these guys are just covered,
head to foot, with soot. It's a hard job.”
While the smoke eaters are lighting
the charcoal, the chicken is being sea-
soned and readied for the grills. Members of the Noon Rotary Club Barbeque Committee are ready and pre-
Meanwhile tons of corn on the cob is pared for Chicken Sunday this year. Photo by Helen Yancy
being shucked and cleaned, readied for tee this year include Kent Early who and publicity and Eric Kostoff who
the boiler. The corn is from Brookside handles the purchasing of supplies for coordinates the volunteer shirts, helps
Farm and Vreeland and Gotfredson the event; Brandon Bunt who oversees with the dry run and does whatever
Road, Muma said, “and we know it is the preparation of the corn and huge else is needed, Muma said.
fresh.” boiler along with sanitation; Ken They are aided by Rich Eisiminger,
Muma said that three semi-trucks Jenkins who is responsible for tickets; the barbeque chairman last year, who
full of food, one filled only with chick- Greg Stolz who schedules and oversees offers hints and advice as needed.
en, are used for the barbeque. the volunteers; Andy Savage who han- Muma said that as he was going
Members of the barbeque commit- dles the signs, the carry-out outposts through the ranks of the committee,