Page 14 - CNLF2022
P. 14
New p’ART’ners
Township officially recognizes work of Village Arts Factory
As fireworks light up dark skies
over Canton Township once again,
Liberty Fest ushers in a season of cele-
bration…of sunny days, warm breezes,
and endless reasons to gather with
family, neighbors and friends. This
real sense of community and belong-
ing can be seen, heard, and felt with
every concert in the amphitheater,
every bustling morning at the farmers
market, and every leisurely stroll
through Canton parks and events. The
Village Arts Factory Campus has
become one of these 'summer bucket
list' destinations for all-ages fun, shop-
ping, gathering, arts and entertain-
Since the Partnership for the Arts &
Humanities' (Partnership) acquisition
of the Henry Ford property in 2012,
consisting of three buildings, the
Factory, The Warehouse and the
Dorm, these historical landmarks
have slowly transformed into welcom-
ing and inclusive spaces for the talent-
ed resident artists and business own-
ers who call the Arts Warehouse home.
But, more than this, it has become
gallery space for historically under-
represented voices and perspectives.
It has played host to important holiday
and cultural events. It has provided a
safe space for learning new skills and
developing creative expression at any
age or stage. It is even an inviting
retail outlet for a unique assortment of the importance of offering opportuni- Graham-Hudak shared, “We are
locally produced gifts and goods. ties for all residents to experience the pleased to be forging an alliance with
But…it is only getting started. arts and humanities locally. the Partnership for the Arts &
Canton Township leaders have also This newly strengthened collabora- Humanities to support community
taken notice of this dynamic transfor- tion will provide resources to the events, arts programming and eco-
mation, and as of May 24, the board of Partnership to increase events and nomic development in Canton. The
trustees formally recognized the services that continue to support and opportunity to experience the arts and
importance of the Village Arts Factory foster the cultural arts community in humanities, along with expanded pro-
to the economic success and develop- Canton. gramming, will benefit all Canton resi-
ment of the Village District, as well as Township Supervisor, Anne Marie dents, including the underserved, dis-