Page 11 - CNLF2022
P. 11
drinks at the tent often help out, too, the Wayne-Westland school district. explained that in the five years the
Burnham said. Tesen said the club members were club members have operated the beer
Burnham said the club members able to provide a symposium during tent, they have learned how to be
are excited about bringing this proj- Mental Health month in May and also more efficient. “We know how to
ect back after the two-year hiatus due funded books for the libraries at the speed up the lines, so people don't
to COVID, and are looking forward to district elementary, middle and high have to wait,” he explained.
the event which is the main fundrais- schools along with printed materials The tent will also sell some
er for the club civic donations and for students facing the threat of sui- Budweiser seltzer products.
efforts. cide. “We are able to do things for the
“Last time, I think we generated The Rotarians will be offering a 12- community because of the generosity
about $15,000 from the tent,” ounce serving of a wide variety of of Canton people who show up and
Burnham said, “which all went back Budweiser products during the festi- support our projects,” Burnham said.
into the community, 100 percent.” He val. Visitors can purchase five tickets “We really appreciate that.”
said the club funds college scholar- for $20 or a single ticket for $5 in The club is always seeking to add
ships for local students and recently exchange for the refreshments. One to their membership, Tesen said. The
completed a food drive and a diaper ticket can be exchanged for one beer members meet at noon on the first
drive for Hope Clinic. serving. and third Monday of each month at
The largest recent project of the “Last time we did this, we went the IHOP on Sheldon Road in Canton
club, noted Bill Tesen, a charter mem- through 35 kegs of beer,” Tesen, who and anyone interested is invited to
ber and twice past- president of the has been involved with the club since join them. For more information
club, was a suicide education and 1977, said. “We're hoping for a good about membership, contact Doug
prevention effort in cooperation with turnout and good weather.” Tesen Morison at (313) 600-9514.