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       Wounded Warrior brings healing yoga to park

         Visitors to the Canton Liberty Fest  After 36 surgeries and the loss of  detonated beneath the Humvee in
       will have a chance to meet a real hero  both legs, Nevins understands pain  which he and another soldier were
       and perhaps change their lives.    and loss and is well aware that the  traveling. His friend was killed and
         Dan Nevins will teach a special  most serious injuries can be invisible.  Nevins said he was afraid he would
       Wounded Warrior Yoga session at the  Nevins, a highly decorated soldier,  also be found dead in the dirt.
       Amphitheater from 10-11 a.m.       was severely injured during combat on  “I tried to stop the bleeding, and I
       Saturday to benefit the Wounded    the morning of Nov. 10, 2004 in Iraq  thought: 'This is it. I'm going to die
       Warrior Project.                   when an improvised explosive device  right here,' “ he said. He was evacuat-
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