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       Welcome to the Liberty Festival

         Each June for the last 27 years, the  near the amphitheater once again,
       Canton community has come together  where festival-goers can enjoy signa-
       to celebrate Liberty Fest. This year,  ture menu items from area restau-
       from June 13-15, Heritage Park will  rants, and adult beverages. Of course
       once again be alive with the sounds of  other festival favorites will be available
       summer. When I think of Liberty Fest, I  all weekend. We are talking about corn
       think of music, fun, food and laughter  dogs, cotton candy, kettle corn, ele-
       with my friends and family, and    phant ears and more!
       Canton's 28th annual festival promises  And let's not forget about the carni-
       all that and more.                 val rides! They will be available every
         As always, my personal favorite  day for the adventure-seekers in your
       event of the weekend is the Saturday  family. Wristbands are available for
       morning Canton Lions Club Pancake  purchase on site or at a discounted
       Breakfast in the north pavilion from 7-  rate online at www.cantonliberty
       11 a.m.                   before June 13 at noon.
         However, there is always something  The Liberty Fest weekend comes to
       exciting going on throughout the week-  a magical close on Saturday night
       end. Thursday and Friday evenings  when the sky comes alive with color       Canton Supervisor Pat Williams
       feature live entertainment on stages all  and sound with one of the largest and
       around the park. This year, Friday  most spectacular fireworks shows in  events and activities are available with
       evening will also feature Canton's  Michigan. Tens of thousands of neigh-  little or no cost to festival attendees.
       Largest Ice Cream Social at the Canton  bors will fill Heritage Park, area back-  For a full schedule of events, please
       LIVE! stage.                       yards, Pheasant Run Golf Club, and  visit
         Of course, what would Liberty Fest  roads in the area to view this absolute-  I hope to see all of you out at Liberty
       be without the wide variety of food and  ly incredible aerial show.    Fest 2019!
       beverages available throughout the   We are honored to continue                   Pat Williams
       park? The Beer and Wine Garden and  Canton's 28-year tradition of presenting
       the Taste of Liberty Fest will be located  a family-friendly weekend event. Most        Canton Supervisor
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