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rustic wooden bridge, blacksmith It is the vision of the Northville community archives, a repository of
shop, general store, interurban train Historical Society to remain the his- photographs, letters, journals, maps
station and several homes reminis- toric heart of Northville through stew- and other materials pertinent to the
cent of an era gone by. The New ardship of the buildings, artifacts, and history of the Northville community.
School Church was built in 1845 by a grounds of Mill Race Historical Membership in the Northville
splinter group of the First Village for generations to come. Historical Society is a commitment to
Presbyterian Church of Northville. The Northville Historical Society is preserving the storied history of the
The church exhibits a Greek Revival a not-for-profit volunteer organization community for future generations.
architectural style with a columned responsible for the financing and Annual memberships begin at $25 for
entrance portico. Moved to the Village operation of Mill Race Historical an individual; $35 for a family mem-
in 1972, the church is currently a pop- Village and preservation of the bership of two or more members and
ular venue for meetings, classes and Northville Archives. All funding is a $75 for an organization or business
weddings. result of memberships, donations, membership.
Overlooking the Rouge River grants, and society-sponsored events. The village grounds are open year-
which flows through the village, is a The Historical Society is always round, dawn to dusk daily except
large gazebo, modeled after a turn of seeking new members to help support when there is a private function. As
the century version, the gazebo was efforts to preserve the village, a has become a tradition, Mill Race
built in 1979 by high school students. 501(c)(3) not for profit organization, Village will be open to the public
This structure, too, has become a pop- the historical society is the sole stew- immediately following the
ular place for many couples to ard of the village. In addition to the Independence Day Parade at 215
exchange vows on their wedding day. buildings, the society preserves the Griswold St. in Northville.