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November 27, 2019                                              ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                                       WAYNE - WESTLAND

        Westland Shop & Dine campaign is under way

           There will be $10,000 in shop-  been multiple radio ads and bill-  way. Included in the Shop &  promoters said.         until noon on Saturday, Dec. 14
        ping sprees, multiple other    boards on major freeways pro-  Dine promotion is Small          As part of the Shop and Dine  will have a chance to win one of
        prizes, bargain prices in stores  moting the campaign to bring  Business Saturday, which takes  Campaign, the city will once  the grand prizes and there will
        and unusual and timely gifts dur-  holiday shoppers to the commu-  place this Saturday, Nov. 30 and  again be raffling off free shop-  be additional prizes given away.
        ing the annual City of Westland  nity.                        is the counterpart to “Black  ping sprees at the Westland      “The City of Westland is
        Shop & Dine campaign currently   The Shop & Dine district is  Friday.”  Television and radio  Shopping Center.             proud to show its support and do
        under way.                     anchored by Westland Shopping  ads encourage shoppers to        This year, the event will be  our part to promote the Shop &
           Westland officially began the  Center and is surrounded by  patronize brick and mortar busi-  bigger and better than ever as  Dine District,” commented Wild.
        10th Annual Shop & Dine cam-   more than 160 shops, restaurants  nesses that are small and local.  the city has partnered with the  “Westland is a prime location to
        paign last week and the special  and services making it the pre-  Statistics show that for every  popular WNIC Jay Towers in the  spend your time holiday shop-
        multi-faceted holiday event will  mier shopping and dining desti-  $100 that is spent locally, $49  Morning Show to give away two  ping.  With its convenient loca-
        continue for six weeks as an   nation in Wayne County, noted  stays within the community. That  $5,000 shopping sprees, Jay  tion, easy access and less traffic
        effort to promote the premier  Mayor William R. Wild.         means that your shopping dol-  Towers will be on site giving  headaches than other regional
        shopping district at the         The city has also launched a  lars are helping small business  away additional prizes and doing  shopping  destinations,
        “Everything     You    Want.   large digital and social media  owners pay local taxes which  a live broadcast from the event.  Westland's Shop & Dine District
        Everything You Need” area for  presence to let shoppers know  build parks, libraries and    Everyone present at Westland   has Everything You Want and
        holiday shopping. There have   that the campaign is now under  improve police and fire services,  Shopping Center from 10 a.m.  Everything You Need.”
        Wayne celebrates Small Business Saturday this week

           Saturday will be a big day for  up a free Shop Small tote and  gift ideas for yourself and your  urday.                 Dental, and Karma Coffee.
        small business in downtown     other Small Business Saturday  loved ones as we get closer to the  The day will also feature a spe-  Started in 2010 by American
        Wayne.                         swag. Organizers will also be giv-  holiday season. Shopping in  cial visitor when Santa arrives.  Express and the National Trust
           Officials from Wayne Main   ing away $1,000 in gift cards from  downtown Wayne supports our  Wayne Main Street has partnered  for Historic Preservation, Small
        Street and the Wayne Downtown  local businesses that attendees  local businesses and establish-  with the State Wayne Theater,  Business Saturday is a nationwide
        Development Authority are      will have a chance to win.  The  ments,”  commented   Juan   35310 W. Michigan Ave., to bring  shopping event aimed at support-
        reminding shoppers that Saturday  event is free to attend, and the  Bradford, president of Wayne  Saint Nick to the city.   ing small businesses and tradi-
        is Small Business Saturday in  first 100 people will receive a free  Main Street.              Children 12 and younger will  tional downtown retail districts
        downtown Wayne, which will take  small coffee from Karma Coffee.    Following the kick-off event,  have a chance to visit with Santa  such as downtown Wayne by
        place Nov. 30.                   Many retailers in Wayne, agree  participants can visit the partici-  and have a free photo taken from  encouraging people to shop local.
           The day will begin with a kick-  that Small Business Saturday has  pating stores in downtown Wayne.  noon until 2 p.m. on Small  Small Business Saturday comple-
        off event at Karma Coffee &    a significant impact on their bot-  More information, including a link  Business Saturday.  ments some of the other shopping
        Kitchen, 35634 W. Michigan Ave.,  tom line.                   to register for the kick-off event,  The event is being sponsored  events that take place throughout
        from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m.        “There are a lot of local busi-  can  be    found      at  by the Wayne DDA, Jack Demmer  the holiday season, including
        Participants will be able to pick  nesses in Wayne that have great  Ford, Phoenix Theatres, Village  Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
        ‘Deck the City Hall’ planned for Monday in Westland

           The City of Westland will officially cele-  also be interactive dance activities in  able to skip the anticipated line.  Posters were to have been entered no
        brate the holiday season when officials  order to promote the Westland Healthy  There will be overflow parking avail-  later than yesterday and the contest
        Deck the City Hall next week.          City Initiative and children can write out  able at the Westland Shopping Center and  entries will be displayed in the City Hall
           This year the celebration is set to begin  their lists for Santa and put them in Santa's  free shuttle buses will be provided.  Art Gallery where attendees will have the
        at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 9 when resi-  Mailbox where letters are delivered direct-  Westland is also sponsoring a holiday  opportunity to vote for their favorite.  First
        dents can gather in front of city hall to sing  ly to the North Pole.        poster contest for children. Westland resi-  prize for the contest is a guaranteed white
        Christmas carols and officially welcome  Children will also have a chance to visit  dents or Wayne-Westland Community  holiday, with a truck of snow being deliv-
        Santa and Mrs. Claus to the “All American  with Santa and Mrs. Claus.  As part of the  Schools students in grades K - 6 are asked  ered to the winner's home.  Second and
        City.”                                 Westland Compassionate City Initiative,  to make a poster with the theme, “What an  third place finishers will win free movie
           Santa, Mrs. Claus and Mayor William R.  anyone who brings a $5 per child or $10  All American Winter Holiday Looks Like  tickets and passes to Airtime Trampoline
        Wild will light the city Christmas tree and  per family monetary donation for “Shop  to Me.”                       and Game Park.
        decorations on the grounds and then invite  with a Hero” or an unwrapped toy for the
        the crowd inside for free cookies and hot  Westland Goodfellows toy drive will
        cocoa as well as arts and crafts.  There will  receive a Fast Pass to see Santa and be
        Wayne woman is facing charges

           A Wayne woman has been charged      arrest of Kristi Lynn Smith, 41, of
        with two felony counts in the fraudulent  Wayne.
        use of a  credit card to make purchases  Smith was arraigned in 35th District
        at retail stores in Canton Township and  Court last week on one count of finan-
        Westland.                              cial transaction device: stealing, retain-
           Canton police circulated a surveil-  ing without consent, a four-year felony
        lance photo of the woman last week in  and identity theft, a six-year felony.
        an effort to identify her and witnesses  She was issued a personal bond at
        responded, police said, leading to the  her arraignment.
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