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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                        November 27, 2019

                                          CANTON - INKSTER

        Annual Holiday Tree Lighting set for Wednesday

           The official Holiday Tree     Indoor activities for children                          ”                                 brighten the holidays for area
        Lighting Celebration in Canton  include seasonal craft areas that            The Kiwanis Club of Canton                    children in need.
        Township is set to take place  feature a make and take activity.                                                             The Kiwanis Club of Canton
        from 6-8:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dec.  In addition, children can share            will be selling a variety of cut              will be selling a variety of cut live
        4 at the Summit on the Park.   their holiday wish list and take a          live holiday trees as a fundraiser.             holiday trees as a fundraiser.
           Santa Claus and his reindeer  special photo with Santa Claus.                                                           Choose from Balsam Fir, Fraser
        have scheduled a special stop in  Children of all ages can also                                                            Fir, and Concolor Fir to find that
        the township where there will be  meet the man who tried to steal                                                          perfect holiday tree. Proceeds
        holiday carols accompanying his  Christmas and have their picture  tivities celebrated in a variety of  for  Early  Childhood  from each sale will benefit area
        arrival just before the official  taken with the Grinch, who will  different countries.  Dancin' Feet  Development.        youth activities. For additional
        countdown to the lighting of the  also be making a special appear-  will also be onsite performing  In the spirit of the season, the  information about the Kiwanis
        tree. The tree lighting will take  ance at a photo station  furnished  festive dance numbers to get  Canton Goodfellows will be  Club of Canton tree sale, visit
        place outside the Summit       by IKEA. Parents are encour-   everyone into the holiday spirit.     onsite offering holiday games for
        Banquet Center entrance where  aged to bring their own cameras  This year, the annual event is  a small donation that will benefit  anis.
        additional outside activities  to capture the moment.  Light  sponsored, in part, by: Advanced  the “No Child without a      For more information about
        include up-close and personal  refreshments will also be provid-  Orthodontics; Central City  Christmas” campaign that is cur-  this free event, or other upcom-
        visits with real live reindeer, as  ed inside by Busch's Fresh Food  Dance; Community Financial;  rently under way.        ing holiday events at the Summit
        well as ice sculpting demonstra-  Market. Additional indoor activi-  Glen Abbey Assisted Living and  Donations of new, unwrapped  on the Park, visit www.canton-
        tions.  Area residents are encour-  ties include 'Holidays Around the  Memory Care;  Lombardo  toys are also being accepted or call (734) 394-5460. The
        aged to dress warmly and bring  World,' where children can learn  Homes; Primrose School of  through Dec. 6, in the Summit on  Summit on the Park is located at
        the family to the event.       about special traditions and fes-  Canton and The Goddard School  the Park lobby that will help  46000 Summit Parkway.
        28-year police veteran retires from force

           After a 28-year career with  Accident Investigation Team for  Sullivan has been recognized  they can be. He has been a pro-
        the Canton Public Safety       18 years, serving the last 10 years  on numerous occasions by citi-  fessional law enforcement offi-
        Department, Police Lt. Patrick  as team leader.               zens and organizations for his  cer who has demonstrated pas-
        Sullivan has retired.            While a sergeant, Sullivan   thorough and detailed investiga-  sion and enjoyment with every
           Sullivan began his law      supervised officers on his patrol  tions. Most notably, Sullivan's  position and assignment he has
        enforcement career with the    shift; he also worked an assign-  work  on  the   Accident   held in the department,” the offi-
        department in 1991 as a patrol-  ment as the Special Services  Investigation Team has brought  cial statement concluded.
        man. He was promoted to the    Sergeant and the CALEA         peace and closure to many indi-  “Lt. Pat Sullivan has brought
        rank of sergeant in 2007 and lieu-  Accreditation Manager. In his  viduals and families who have  a unique combination of knowl-
        tenant in 2013. While working as  most recent role as patrol lieu-  been victims of traumatic vehi-  edge, strength, commitment and
        a road patrol officer, Sullivan  tenant he was a shift command-  cle crashes, according to an offi-  humor to the police depart-
        held several special assignments  er responsible for the opera-  cial statement from the depart-  ment,” said Public Safety
        including Field Training Officer,  tions, training, and development  ment.                  Director Joshua Meier. “Pat's
        Evidence Technician, Range     of his respective road patrol shift  “Throughout his career,  dedication to the organization
        Instructor and Narcotics       consisting of two sergeants, 14  Sullivan has been a leader who  and the residents he has so
        Investigator. He was also active  patrol officers and four Public  has strived to make the depart-  proudly served will be notably
        member of the department       Safety Service Officers.       ment and its officers the best  missed,” Meier added.                          Pat Sullivan
        Former area priest is sentenced on assault charges

           A former priest who served in  He was sentenced in Third                              ”                                 sought the rite of confession. He
        both Canton Township and       Circuit Court by Judge Wanda                  Casey admitted to the sexual                  said that the priest met with him
        Westland will serve 45 days in  Evans.                                                                                     in his office at the former St.
        jail and 12-months probation     Casey formerly served as a                  acts during an investigation                  Theodore of Canterbury Church
        along with sex offender treat-  priest at St. Thomas a'Becket                  by Archdiocese officials.                   in Westland and they engaged in
        ment.                          Catholic parish in Canton and at                                                            sexual acts, including oral sex.
           Patrick Casey, 56, now of   the former St. Theodore of                                                                    Casey admitted to the sexual
        Bellaire, was originally charged  Canterbury parish in Westland.  Following his sentencing, he  again.                     acts during an investigation by
        with third-degree criminal sexu-  Casey, already defrocked by the  was immediately remanded to  “I needed help. I needed a  Archdiocese officials who recom-
        al conduct in May following alle-  Archdiocese, apologized to his  the Wayne County Jail to begin  shepherd. He could have called  mended his dismissal from the
        gations of improper sexual con-  fellow priests, parishioners and  his 45-day sentence.     the police when I mentioned my  clerical state. He was defrocked
        tact with a young man who      others during his sentencing last  The man who complained    suicide attempt. He could have  Aug. 1, 2018 while the Vatican
        approached him for counseling.  week. He also offered his apolo-  about Casey alleged the two had  taken me to the hospital himself.  continues to review his case,
        During his trial, Casey accepted  gies to the complainant in the  a sexual encounter on Jan. 17,  That's what I needed.”   according to Michigan State
        a plea deal and entered a guilty  case, “for not serving him as I  2013.  He told the court at the  In a sworn statement, the man  Attorney General Dana Nessel
        plea to misdemeanor aggravated  ought to have. I am truly sorry,”  sentencing hearing that he never  testified that when he was in his  who brought the charges against
        assault on Oct. 2.             Casey said.                    wanted Casey to serve as a priest  20s and gay, he met Casey and  him.
        Comcast promises $10 million investment in new area stores

           Canton Township, Inkster and  telecommunications giant plans  release.                   and seating to create a “warm,  stores, according to Comcast. The
        Westland are among the $10 mil-  to open the stores by mid-2020 in  The stores will sell the Xfinity  welcoming environment” for cus-  company claims to have made $1
        lion investment Comcast Corp.  Brighton, Canton Township, Fort  portfolio of products, including  tomers, according to a prepared  million in upgrades at  midtown
        plans to invest to open 10 new  Gratiot, Inkster, Lansing,    internet, video, connected home  statement.                  Detroit buildings and to have
        Xfinity stores in southeast and  Roseville, Southfield, Taylor,  solutions and the Xfinity Mobile  The new locations are part of  spent $1.7 million to open new
        mid-Michigan.                  Westland    and    Pittsfield  wireless service. They will be  the $5.7 million statewide invest-  stores in Grandville and
           The   Philadelphia-based    Township, according to a news  outfitted with hands-on displays  ment in opening and renovating  Muskegon.


                              1C3EL46X74N125874     00 NISSAN             1FAFP4047WF160128     05 FORD F-150 BLUE                              Steel Buildings
                              2007 CHEVROLET        PATHFINDER WHITE      00  MERCURY   SABLE   1FTPX14555NB87655                           PIONEER POLE BUILD-
                              1G1AL15F277199531     JN8DR09Y52W738073     GOLD                  99 CHEVY BLAZER BLUE                        INGS- Free Estimates-
        This is a notice that Billy A  2001 MERCURY  03 SATURN VUE BLUE   1MEFM55S9YG627724     1GNCT18W9XK113406                           Licensed and insured-2x6
        Spears died on Sept. 15,  1MEHM55S11G650316  5GZCZ53B73S899217    95 LINCOLN TOWNCAR    11 POLARIS 4 WHEELER                        Trusses-45 Year Warranty
        2018. Any creditors that he  2000 DODGE     02 FORD TAURUS TAN    SILVER                GREEN                                       Galvalume Steel-19 Colors-
        may owe should contact  1B4HS28Z8YF305165   1FAFP53U12G272753     1LNLM81WXSY609745     4XAZN55AXBA017898                           Since   1976-#1   in
        Patsy D. Spears at (734)  2001 NISSAN       02 FORD TAURUS GRAY   09 FORD FUSION BLACK  92 FORD ESCORT             Help Wanted      Michigan-Call Today 1-800-
        368-2791.                                   1FAFP55U82A131999     3FAHP07Z49R112855     3FAPP15J2NR144485
                              JN8DR07Y61W505840     06 CHRYSLER TOWN &    06 CHEVY MALIBU WHITE   11 FORD ESCAPE WHITE     Truck Driver     292-0679.
                              1998 TOYOTA           COUNTRY SILVER        1G1ZS51F76F201328     1FMCU9EG8BKB23396     CDL-A DRIVERS WANTED,
                              4T1BG22K9WU307498     1A4GP44RX6B622154     CHICAGO MOPED BLACK   06 PONTIAC G6 SILVER  3  MONTHS   MINIMUM   Wanted to Buy or Trade
                              2000 TOYOTA           04 PONTIAC            L4HCATA19G6000255     1G2ZF55B664149595     EXPERIENCE,   EXCEL-  WANTED FREON R12: We
             Public Auction                         GRAND PRIX BLACK      13 CHEVY MALIBU WHITE
            Martin’s Towing   JTDDR32T6Y0044158     2G2WS522241164851     1G11B5SA2DF306016     PLEASE NOTE: THE BID-  LENT PAY, BENEFITS SIGN  pay CA$H. R12 R500 R11
          17180 Dix Toledo RD  1996 CHEVROLET       08 JEEP               95 OLDSMOBILE CIERRA  DING WILL START AT THE  ON BONUS, 401k, DEDI-  Convenient, Certified
          Brownstown MI 48193  1GCEC19M9TE122761    COMPASS BLACK         RED                   TOWING AND STORAGE    CATED ROUTES ROMEO        (312) 291-9169
                                                                                                                      AND WAYNE DISPATCH,
           December 4th, 2019                       1J8FF47W28D693645     1G3AJ55M3S6421432     CHARGES. NOTE CARS    CALL RON 586-752-4529
        2008 DODGE                   POLICE         2G4WB55K631222056     SILVER                LOT FOR VIEWING.      EXT 1028
                                                    05 CHEVY EQUINOX RED
        2D8HN54P58R737786      25637 MICHIGAN AVE.   2CNDL63F056037247    02 SATURN SILVER
        1999 TRAILER          DEARBORN HEIGHTS MI   01 CHEVY MALIBU GREEN  1G8ZH52842Z257901
        3AEVS5323XM015146             48125         1G1NE52J216199716     02 TOYOTA RAV 4 RED
        1997 LINCOLN                                01  HONDA    ACCORD   JTEHH20V526055087
        1LNLM82W0VY626539      THE FOLLOWING VEHI-  BLACK                 11 VOLKSWAGEN JETTA
        2003 FORD                CLES HAVE BEEN     1HGCG16461A076408     SIVER
                               DEEMED ABANDONED
        1FDWE35L73HB43545      AND WILL BE SOLD AT  07 FORD 500 BLUE      3VWDZ7AJ3BM321499
        2002 HYUNDAI             PUBLIC AUCTION     1FAHP24137G156389     07 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX
        KMHWF25S62A517696       DECEMBER 12, 2019   01 FORD EXPLORER BLUE  GRAY
        2000 CHEVROLET             AT 11:00 A.M.    99  TOYOTA   AVALON   08 PONTIAC G6 RED
        2CNBJ13C1Y6956796        DALTON TOWING      BROWN                 1G2ZG57N784129105
        1999 PONTIAC              27218 CURRIER     4T1BF18B2XU327596     07 FORD ESCAPE GRAY
        1G2NW52E0XM810889     DEARBORN HEIGHTS MI   04   BUICK  LESABRE   1FMYU03177KB98811
        2003 CHRYSLER                 48124         WHITE                 CHEVY CRUZ BLUE
        2C4GP44333R276088          734-946-1336     1G4HP54K644134853     1G1PC5SH7C7309622
        2007 NISSAN           00 GEO PRIZM GOLD     04 KIA OPTIMA         04 FORD TAURUS SILVER
        1N4AL21E47C122876     1Y1SK5281YZ438676     KNAGD128345257702     1FAFP53U04A194536
        1998 OLDSMOBILE       03 MERCEDES           FORD FOCUS BLACK      09 CHEVY IMPALA
        1GHDX03E9WD320157     C280 SILVER           07 CHRYSLER PT CRUIS-  07 MAZDA 323 SILVER
        1997 PONTIAC          WDBRF81J13F378484     ER RED                JM1BK323171729737
        1G2HX52K8VH219246     01 NISSAN XTERRA GOLD  3A4FY48B97T533973    07 CHEVY BLAZER RED
        2010 DODGE            5N1ED28Y11C567202     BUICK LESABRE RED     1GNDS13S872205232
        2B3CK3CV1AH120713     97 DUTCHMEN CAMO      1G4HR54K344108642     06 FORD ESCAPE BLUE
        2005 BUICK            47CC10C12V3017286     04 CHEVY AVEO BLACK   1FMYU93136KB47695
        2G4WC532751267395     07 CHEVY              KL1TD62664B194816     08 FORD FUSION BLACK
                              TRAILBLAZER SILVER
        2004 CHRYSLER         1GNDS13S672145919     98 FORD MUSTANG RED   3FAHP08168R161272
   1   2   3   4   5   6