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November 15, 2018                                              ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

               INKSTER - WAYNE - WESTLAND

        Veteran's                      returned to Judy in 1970, the year  and inadequate military training.
                                                                        “They are overworked and
                                       they married. She found at that
                                       time some veterans groups didn't  they serve multiple tours,” Berna
        FROM PAGE 1                    welcome Vietnam service per-   said, echoing Iscaro.
                                       sonnel, although she's found the  Earlier on, Veteran's Haven
        year. They deal with me only.  Veterans of Foreign Wars more  was housed in a business garage,
        Last year, we got 100 coats.”  welcoming now.                 then the Tinkham Center of the
           The volunteers also appreci-  The VFW Post on Mill Street  Wayne-Westland Schools. Berna
        ate good-quality Red Wing boots  in Plymouth, shared by the   said drop-in talk time during
        and shoes for men. They can't  Vietnam Veterans of America    their weekday morning hours is
        store or use women's clothing,  Chapter 528, worked on pricing  fine, adding, “But if they're home-
        and serve a few women veterans.  for Veteran's Haven's 25th   less, they'll be coming in to get
        Toys are collected in smaller  anniversary party.             warm.”
        quantity at Christmas only.      Judy Berna's brother was       She regrets a grant loss a few
           Of volunteering, Pavlik said,  career Navy, and liked that,  years ago that cost them a larger
        “There's no amount of time that's  while her father was in the Navy  home that could accommodate
        too little. That's fine by us, they  in Korea. Iscaro's from the  some 10 veterans. Pavlik, Berna
        want to throw a couple hours at it  Marine Corps, including 1983  and Iscaro agree there's less
        here and there. We'll welcome  Grenada.                       media and public attention now
        them with open arms.”            She noted, “After 9/11, every-  on servicemen and women, and
           Added Berna, “That's how we  one wanted to go back even my  veterans.
        keep going.”                   poor father who wad dying of     Pavlik described men fighting
           They appreciate children's  cancer.”                       Taliban gunfire with only sand-
        artwork and thank you letters,   The three would like to see  bags and plywood. “You take
        some of which cover Veteran's  more recognition of service per-  your hat off to those guys,” he
        Haven inside walls. The volun-  sonnel and veterans, rather than  said, adding of those returning
        teers give plaques to recognize  simply holding parties on the  home, “There's no common     Veteran Mark Iscaro shows men's clothing in the Veteran's Haven
        that, and get photos of young peo-  Fourth of July and Memorial Day,  ground to talk about things.”  warehouse.
        ple in return for their records.  Iscaro said.                  Berna recalled Vietnam veter-
           Pavlik served in the U.S. Air  “The services are stretched  ans coming home to insults.  stink.”                        auxiliary groups and others,
        Force from 1983-1993, both in  real thin right now,” said Pavlik.  “They were just getting blown to  Cars aren't taken now by  including young people from
        Italy and stateside in Nevada.  “I think a lot of people don't real-  pieces, but they weren't in a war,”  Veteran's Haven, but can be  Ypsilanti who gave compression
        His father was a World War II  ize.”                          she said of some viewpoints.  donated to Charity Motors, with  socks and wool socks.
        U.S. Marine.                     He noted a collision of Navy   Pavlik said their clients espe-  Veteran's Haven getting a per-  “You'd never think a group of
           “He used to have nightmares,”  ships in the Orient, which Pavlik  cially appreciate food: “They'll  centage with that designation.  kids would run with it,” Pavlik
        recalled Pavlik. Vince Berna   attributes to 12- to 16-hour days  wait in the cold, not make a  The volunteers also appreciate  said of that idea.
        Small Business Saturday to be marked in Wayne

           This holiday season, Wayne  Small tote and other Small     is a great way to get amazing gifts  information, including a link to  Business Saturday.
        Main Street and the Wayne      Business    Saturday    gifts.  for your friends and family, while  register for the kick off event, can  Started in 2010, by American
        Downtown        Development    Organizers will also be giving  supporting local Wayne business-  be     found          at  Express and the National Trust
        Authority officials are reminding  away $1,000 in gift cards to local  es and establishments.,” com-  for Historic Preservation, Small
        shoppers to think Wayne and shop  businesses that attendees will  mented Lori Gouin, economic  urday.                      Business Saturday is a nationwide
        local.  These two organizations are  have the chance to win.  The event  director in Wayne.    Wayne Main Street has also  shopping event aimed at support-
        spearheading the downtown      is free to attend and the first 100  Following the kick off event,  partnered with the State Wayne  ing small businesses and tradi-
        Wayne Small Business Saturday  people to register will receive a  participants are invited to visit the  Theater at 35310 West Michigan  tional downtown retail districts
        initiative, which will take place on  free small coffee from Karma  more than 20 participating stores  Ave., to bring a special visitor to  such as downtown Wayne by
        Saturday, Nov. 24.             Coffee.                        in downtown Wayne.  Designer  Wayne.                         encouraging people to shop local.
           The day will begin with an    For many retailers in Wayne,  Wearhouse, Leo's Jewelry, Helium  Children younger than 12 will  Small Business Saturday comple-
        event at Karma Coffee & Kitchen,  Small Business Saturday has a  Studio, Northside Hardware, and  have a chance to visit with Santa,  ments some of the other shopping
        35634 W. Michigan Ave., from 9:30  significant impact on the bottom  Puffer Reds, and many others are  including a free photo, from 11  events that take place throughout
        a.m. until noon.  Participants will  line of many retailers in Wayne.  among the Wayne businesses par-  a.m. until 1 p.m. at the State  the holiday season, including
        be able to pick up a free Shop   “Shopping in downtown Wayne  ticipating in the event.  More  Wayne Theater during Small   Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

           Holiday help

           The Westland Community Foundation is collecting toys for the Salvation Army
           effort to help local families during the holiday season. Boxes have been placed
           at several locations to accept donations. The boxes will be picked up and taken
           to the Salvation Army on Dec. 7. Donation boxes are now located at: Westland
           City Hall, 36300 Warren Road, Westland, MI 48185; Dix Animal Hospital, 1127
           Dix Highway, Lincoln Park, MI 48146; Fantastic Sam's, 141 Wayne Road,
           Westland, MI 48185; Westland Lock and Key 35665 Ford Road, Westland, MI
           48185 and the office of the Westland Community Foundation, 38110 Executive
           Dr., Westland, MI 48185.

        Prize effort

        Legends Holiday Raffle tickets

        are now available in Inkster

           The holiday season is approaching  Hotel; two racks of lamb from Fairway
        quickly, and Inkster Legends Founder  Meats; two tickets to a Music Hall per-
        and Director Fred Smiley and his volun-  formance; two ReNue teeth whitening
        teers are concentrating their efforts on  packages at Cherryhill Dental; dinner for
        their annual Christmas project to help  two at along with other prizes from Texas
        local families.                       Roadhouse; dinner for two at Urban
           Each year, the Inkster Legends pro-  Soul; dinner for two at Famous Ford
        vides gifts and food for 100 families in  Garage; dinner for two at They Say and
        need in Inkster. The group has been pro-  dinner for two at Red Lobster.
        viding the help for families for seven   Smiley said there will be a bonus
        years and volunteers are continuing the  drawing this year for a Sunday soul food
        sale of raffle tickets for the drawing that  dinner for two at the Stardust Lounge.
        supports the help for Inkster families.  The drawing will take place at the
           Each raffle ticket is priced at $10 and  Sheraton Hotel at 6 p.m. Dec. 18, Smiley
        offers a chance to win one of three grand  said, and winners do not have to be pres-
        prizes; an autographed basketball from  ent to claim their prizes.
        the Harlem Globetrotters along with four  Smiley stressed that this raffle is the
        tickets to a game or four tickets to the  main fundraiser for the Christmas
        Detroit Pistons game against the Toronto  Giveaway which helps local families.
        Raptors on March 17 or four tickets to the  “We couldn't do it without all those
        Universoul Circus in Detroit.         who donate the prizes,” he said, “we're
           First prize this year is a weekend stay  very thankful for all the support for all
        at the Sheraton Hotel including break-  these years.”
        fast. Other prizes include four tickets to  To purchase tickets for the raffle, call
        the Henry Ford Museum; a Birthday     Smiley at (734) 890-2478, Daniel Orr at
        Party Blast for 13 at the Romulus Athletic  (313)715-6700 or Larry Spencer at
        Center; a weekend stay at the Marriott  (313)520-8144.
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