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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                        November 15, 2018

                           NORTHVILLE - PLYMOUTH

        Township voters OK public safety millage

           Voters in Plymouth Township  for the replacement of antiquat-                                                           tigate the possibility of a tower
        approved a 1.2 millage for the  ed equipment and vehicles in the                         ”                                 truck which would allow fire-
        next 16 years to fund the public  fire department and increased              I've always felt like, we have                fighters to reach upper floors of
        safety department.             staffing in the police department,            a job to do and we are going                  buildings which they do not have.
           The millage was placed on the  bringing the force up to the levels                                                      Current fire trucks are 30-years-
        Nov. 6 ballot at the urging of  recommended as adequate by            to do it whether or not the millage passes.          old.
        Township Treasurer Mark        the International Association of                                                              Township Supervisor Kurt
        Clinton who told members of the  Chief of Police.                                                                          Heise said he was grateful for the
        board of trustees early this year  Police Chief Tom Tiderington  officers recommended by public  millage.                  faith and confidence of the vot-
        that during the recession, proper-  said he was very pleased with the  safety experts for the township  “I had a good feeling it would  ers.
        ty tax revenue in the township  results of the election.      population.                   pass. I've always felt like, we have  “I want to personally thank the
        fell by about 20 percent, and that  “It's a good thing for the com-  The millage, which will cost  a job to do and we are going to do  voters of Plymouth Township for
        the millage was the bare mini-  munity. After many years of kick-  taxpayers about $1.20 for every  it whether or not the millage  their outstanding support of our
        mum amount necessary to keep   ing the can down the road, the  $1,000 of taxable value of their  passes. Speaking for the entire  Public Safety Millage. It passed
        the township “going in the right  new board has finally stepped-up  property, usually about half the  department, obviously we're very  by a vote of 9073 to 6914; a 57-43
        direction.”                    and insured the safety of the com-  market value, will also allow the  happy. We are going to look at all  margin. Thanks for your confi-
           Voters agreed and cast 9,073  munity-for now and for years to  township to address retirement  of our options now. Even the neg-  dence and trust; we're working to
        votes in favor of the millage and  come,” Tiderington said.   obligations.                  ative campaigning didn't do much  earn it every day,” he said imme-
        6,914 against the question. The  The township currently has     Plymouth Township Fire      (harm) in the end,” Phillips said.  diately after the election.
        approval will generate about $2.1  only 29 officers, 20-20 fewer than  Chief Dan Phillips said he was  Phillips is hoping to replace a  (Staff Writer Don Howard con-
        million for the first year allowing  the recommended staffing of 50-  gratified that voters approved the  13-year-old ambulance and inves-  tributed to this story.)
        Foundation Holiday Home Tour next week

           Tickets are now on sale for the  ent and there truly is something  their own but add holiday décor  purchase tickets in advance, visit  Foundation in the community.
        2018 Northville Holiday Home   for every taste, organizers said.  they become even more stun-  Pear-Aphernalia, Gardenviews,  The Northville Community
        Tour, presented by the Northville  With homes ranging from a  ning, a spokesman said.       Haven of Northville, or the    Foundation operates Maybury
        Community Foundation.          10,000 square foot log cabin to a  The 2018 Holiday Home Tour  Northville  Chamber      of  Farm, a working farm with a mis-
           This year, the Holiday Home  160-year-old Victorian home, this  will also feature a refreshment  Commerce.  Tickets may also be  sion to connect the community to
        Tour will take place from 10 a.m.  year the tour offers some early  stop at the Tipping Point Theatre  purchased online by visiting  animals and agriculture through
        until 4 p.m. Friday and Saturday,  decorating inspiration.  One out-  in downtown Northville.  Guests  www.northvillecommunityfoun-  hands-on experiences that are
        Nov. 16 and 17.                standing home has a two-story  can enjoy light refreshments and or by phone by calling  both engaging and educational.
           Visitors at the Holiday Home  rock fireplace, natural slate  also enter to win two tickets to a  (248)374-0200.  Tickets are limited  The foundation also annually
        Tour can enjoy touring five beau-  floors and a gourmet kitchen.  future Tipping Point Theatre  and the tour does sell out nearly  awards scholarships to local stu-
        tiful, privately- owned Northville  Another is a 1929 English Tudor  production.            every year.                    dents and grants to nonprofit
        homes that have been decorated  revival with stained glass win-  Tickets for the 2018 Holiday  Proceeds from the Holiday   organizations serving Northville
        top to bottom for the holidays.  dows and original chandeliers.  Home Tour are $25 in advance  Home Tour help fund the work of  and the surrounding communi-
        The style of each home is differ-  These homes are gorgeous on  and $30 the day of the event.  To  the Northville Community  ties.
        Voters pave way for Northville street bond

           Nearly 75 percent of the regis-  the bond will be issued and engi-  levied beginning in 2019 will be  payer in the City of Northville has  infusion of $6.25 million into
        tered voters in Northville cast  neering plans will be prepared  0.9787 mills or 98 cents per $1,000  a taxable value of $139,943, which  street repairs and replacement
        ballots last week in the Nov. 6  for the 2019 construction season.  of taxable value, usually half the  amounts to an increase of $137 on  during the next four years. After
        election.                      Bond funds will be used to bring  market value of a home. That  the 2019 city tax bill, according to  spending these initial funds, the
           The street bond was approved  most street conditions up to  money will be used for the   city officials. That increase will  city will continue to use the exist-
        by 2,473 yes votes with 1,102 vot-  “good” before they deteriorate to  issuance of a $3,050,000 Street  continue for a total of 10 years.   ing street millage, currently set at
        ing against the question. Official  a condition that requires costly  Improvement Bond, paid over 10  The bond funds will be com-  1.68 mills, which generates about
        reports indicated that a total of  reconstruction, according to offi-  years, The cost of issuing the  bined with the existing street  $550,000 annually, to repair and
        3,742 voters cast a ballot.    cials.                         bonds will be $50,000.        millage in the city and $1,050,000  maintain the improved street sys-
           Following the voters approval,  The estimated millage to be  The average residential tax-  from reserve funds to finance an  tem.

        Narcan                         Administration for the National  Civic Concern seeking help                                 PARC

                                       Take Back Day as a point to drop
                                       off unwanted, unused and expired    Northville Civic Concern is  until 1 p.m. any Monday,
        FROM PAGE 1                    medications. Additionally there is  looking for help in filling empty  Wednesday  or  Friday.  FROM PAGE 1
                                       a drop box in the police depart-  shelves.                    Donations will be accepted at
        Northville Township Public Safety  ment lobby for medications that is  The organization is in need  Cassel's  Restaurant  or  property from the Plymouth-
        Department to ensure an absolute  acceptable by the public 24 hours a  of all food, an                 W o rldwide         Canton Community School
        commitment to the preservation of  day.                         organizer said,          ”             Alterations both    District and then donated the
        life, officials said, proven by the  The United States is experienc-  but especially  Northville Civic  located in the     school to the Community
        use of the drug last week. Narcan  ing an opioid overdose epidemic,  cereal, canned  Concern is looking  Highland Lakes    Foundation of Southeast
        can also be used in cases of a  according to national health statis-  fruit,  soup,                    Shopping Center     Michigan. The school district
        police department employee who  tics. Northville Township public  instant potatoes  for help in filling  on other days.    had plans to place 63 single-
        may come in accidental contact  safety employees responded to six  (mashed  or     empty shelves.      Donations are also  family homes on the acreage
        with a drug like Fentanyl, which is  overdose incidents in 2018, accord-  casserole type),             accepted      at    based on zoning approval from
        hundreds of times more potent  ing to official reports while no fatal  pasta side dishes               Genitti's           the City of Plymouth.  Malcolm
        than heroin.                   overdoses have occurred this year.  (Rice or Noodle Roni), canned  Restaurant, and Great Harvest  is meeting with the foundation
           Narcan is the newest addition  In addition to the overdoses,  tuna and canned chicken.    Bread Company in downtown     board members this week,
        to efforts already in place at the  there have been 12 other incidents  Donations of canned and boxed  Northville.  Northville City Hall  Soenen said, in an effort to
        Northville Township            involving heroin or opioids,     foods will be accepted at the  and the Northville Library will  devise a plan for the future.
           Police Department, officials  records indicate. Opioids are cen-  office of Northville Civic  accept donations as well.  For  “Everything is in flux right
        said in a prepared statement. For  tral nervous system depressants,  Concern in the Highland Lakes  more information, call (248)344-  now,” Soenen said.
        the past several years the police  and include drugs such as heroin,  Shopping Center at 43275 West  1033  from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m.  (Staff Writer Don Howard
        department has partnered with  hydrocodone, oxycodone, and fen-  Seven Mile Road from 10 a.m.  Monday, Wednesday, or Friday.   contributed to this story.)
        the     Drug    Enforcement    tanyl (synthetic heroin).


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