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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                         November 8, 2018

                                       WAYNE - WESTLAND

        Historic Wayne Theater introduces heated seating

           Movie goers in Wayne can now enjoy  Amusements. It was located a few yards
        the luxury of heated, reclining seats as  away from the Wayne Theatre which it
        they enjoy the latest in first-run movies at  was meant to replace. The State Wayne
        the historic Phoenix State-Wayne Theater.  Theater was originally a single-screen
           A Phoenix Theatre spokesman noted   theater, later carved into four screens,
        that the installation of the heated reclin-  when National Amusements operated the
        ers in every seat of the chain's three the-  facility. When the city of Wayne took over
        atre buildings in Michigan - which totals  the theater, they removed two existing
        24 screens, was completed only a week or  storefronts and filled them in for rest-
        so ago.                                rooms at the movie house. As part of the
           “It's just another 'first' that Phoenix  agreement when the city took over the
        Theatres has brought to the Michigan   State Wayne Theaters from National
        movie-going scene,” he said.           Amusements, they could not show first
           Each reclining seat features an     run movies, only sub-run. By 2012 it was
        adjustable three-setting heating function  operated by Phoenix Theatres and in
        that will allow the customer to personally  2015 was playing first run movies while
        set the desired temperature of the seat.  Phoenix continues to make improve-   “Our new heated recliners provide or www.Movie can
        This new heated innovation coupled with  ments at the building.              each person with the ability to adjust the  purchase tickets weeks in advance, so
        the reclining seats and more than 6-feet of  “We first introduced reclining seats in  temperature level while watching a film  they can secure tickets for the latest
        legroom insure comfort while enjoying a  our theatres in 2014 and the ability to per-  and does wonders to soothe and relax you  block-buster hits without waiting in line.
        film, he added.  “The new heated seating  sonally adjust the temperature of your  while enjoying a film.” said Tearis Reid,  Phoenix Theatres opened its first
        arrangement makes Phoenix Theatres     seat offers an entirely new level of com-  Phoenix Theatres vice-president of oper-  Michigan theater in 2001 and currently
        the only theatre to offer 100 percent heat-  fort,” said Phoenix Theatres owner Cory  ations.  “We really want people to enjoy a  operates 10 screens at Laurel Park Place
        ed reclining chairs with footrests in  Jacobson. “The customers have taught us  movie as if they were relaxing in their liv-  in Livonia,  10 screens at The Mall of
        Michigan - all in the effort to provide the  a great deal about what they want to expe-  ing-room and I find a heated back is about  Monroe in Monroe, four screens at State
        best in customer comfort,” he said.    rience on their entertainment leisure  the most relaxing experience we could  Wayne in Wayne and six screens in
           The State Theater was first operated  time and amenities that provide 'living-  ever find to include in our theatres.”  Dubuque, Iowa.  For more information,
        by the Shafer family in 1946 for Wayne  room comfort' are at the top of the list.”    Visitors to either www.Phoenix  visit
        Special Veterans Day celebration set in Westland

           Members of the Westland Veterans    memorative service is open to the public.  year to ensure veterans in need and  14.
        Association will host a special ceremony  All city offices will be closed on  active duty families have a proper holiday  Participants can choose between a 16-
        at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 11, which is  Monday, Nov. 12 in observance of     meal. Veterans living in Westland who  20 pound turkey or a 10-12 pound ham,
        Veterans Day, a federal holiday dedicated  Veterans Day on Sunday. Westland City  may be in need are urged by organizers of  and all meals will include stuffing,
        to honoring those who have served in the  Hall and the 18th District Court will be  the effort to call the office of Mayor  mashed potatoes and gravy, sweet pota-
        U.S. Armed Forces.                     closed although trash and recycling pick-  William R. Wild to register for their meal.  toes, corn, green beans, cranberry sauce,
           The ceremony will take place at the  up in the city will not be affected.  Meals will be dispersed from 10 a.m. until  and heat and serve rolls for a family of six
        Veterans Memorial Garden which is locat-  In another effort to help veterans, the  1 p.m. on Saturday, Nov.17 at the Wayne  to eight people.
        ed behind the Westland Library, 6123   Wayne-Ford Civic League will be partner-  Ford Civic League. Those looking to par-  The mayor's office phone is (734) 467-
        Central City Parkway. The special com-  ing with local elected officials again this  ticipate must register by Thursday, Nov.  3200.

        Police                         of the expense will be offset by a  in creating training scenarios;                         Local woman killed
                                                                      provide video evidence to prose-
                                       grant from Michigan Municipal
                                                                                                                                      Police have determined that
                                                                      useful information to the media
                                       which insures the city against
        FROM PAGE 1                    Risk Management Authority,     cutors, judges and juries; provide                           alcohol or drugs were not a fac-
                                       legal claims.                  and reduce civil liability                                   tor in the death of Klivja Caci, 25,
           This inadvertent omission     “For the past two years the    “Perhaps even more impor-                                  of Westland in an rollover vehi-
        proved to be problematic as    Westland Police Department has  tantly, the department will be                              cle accident last Tuesday.
        judges, juries, and even the pub-  been researching a body-worn  able to use the new body cam                                 The accident took place at
        lic were only able to see bits and  camera program that fit best with  program to build and continue to                    about 6:34 p.m. on eastbound I-
        pieces of the police officers'  our department's needs and    maintain community trust, trans-                             96 just west of Newburgh Road,
        interactions. For this reason, the  capabilities,” said Jedrusik. “I  parency and accountability. The                      according to a report from the
        department had been thoroughly  want to thank the mayor and city  Westland Police Department is                            Livonia Police Department.
        researching a new method in    council for making the financial  aware that many citizens                                     Police investigators deter-
        which the whole story could be  investment into our police    throughout the county have lost  serve their communities,” said  mined that Caci was alone in her
        captured, Jedrusik explained.   department. The technological  trust and/or confidence in their  Jedrusik.                 vehicle as she attempted to exit
           The city will pay $493,817 over  benefits and capabilities of this  local law enforcement agencies,”  “The body camera program  eastbound I-96 at Newburgh.
        five years for the 81 cameras, 60  program are tremendous.”   the chief said.               will allow the Westland Police  Investigators said it appeared
        replacement Tasers, accessories,  With the Axon body cameras,   “There have been some bad   Department to continue to main-  she lost control of the vehicle,
        service and two opportunities to  uniformed officers will be able  officers out there who have hurt  tain the trust of the community,  causing it to leave the exit ramp
        replace the cameras purchased  to: capture video evidence inside  the reputation of the hundreds of  the confidence in their agency  and roll over several times
        from Axon, a company from      of homes, businesses, parks, and  thousands of good, hard working  and their ability to maintain com-  before stopping in the eastbound
        Scottsdale, AZ specializing in  schools; provide a high definition  and dedicated men and women  plete transparency, while pro-  lanes of I-96.
        weapons and information tech-  up close view as seen by the offi-  of public safety who risk their  tecting our officers as well,” com-  Police said Caci sustained
        nology for law enforcement. Part  cer; assist the police department  lives every day to protect and  mented Mayor William R. Wild.  fatal injuries in the crash.


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