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PAGE 8                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                          October 15, 2020

                       INKSTER - WAYNE - WESTLAND
                        INKSTER - WAYNE - WESTLAND

        State Wayne Theatre is now open for business

           The State Wayne Theater was  Theatres will have social dis-
        scheduled to reopen last week  tancing guidelines in all the com-
        the first time since closing in  mon areas and most importantly
        response to COVID 19 health    in the theater auditoriums. The
        concerns.                      seating layout will automatically
           “To take the challenge away  be configured within reserved
        from implementing social dis-  seating computer software, so
        tancing, Phoenix Theatres      that customers will not be within
        installed a new reserved seating  6 feet of other guests not in their
        program in the computer system  family group; each employee
        that allows guests to select their  will wear a mask and other pro-
        seat in advance either on the  tective equipment; guests will be
        theater web site or newly-devel-  required to wear face masks
        oped mobile app. The computer  when moving about the theater;
        will automatically remove two  transactions at the ticketing and
        seats between each pair sold,  concession stand have been
        creating a checkerboard style  streamlined to further minimize
        pattern. With the extra wide   touch points;   Phoenix will use a
        spacing that is a result of the  food grade disinfectant spray on
        wide reclining seats, there will  all seats that removes 99.99 per-
        easily be 6 feet of separation  cent of all viruses on surfaces
        between guests to safely social  within 30 seconds; each seat will
        distance while watching a film,”  be labeled with a “clean and san-
        explained  Cory Jacobson, owner  itized” sticker to verify the clean-
        of Phoenix Theatres            ing procedure between showings
           “Prior to our re-opening, we  has taken place and the same
        will be meeting with a small spe-  disinfectant spray will be used
        cialized training group to indi-  on high touch points throughout
        vidually work with every       the building including the rest-  guidance in question, we intend  theaters to reopen while enforc-  amount of time and which are
        employee in the company,” said  rooms and concession areas. In  to follow the CinemaSafe guide-  ing these guidelines is at least as  employing far less aggressive
        Sheena Hohman, director of     addition, hand sanitizer stations  lines to ensure the safety of our  safe, or safer, as any other com-  risk reduction strategies,” noted
        employee training and develop-  will also be provided for cus-  guests. All of our theatres in  parable businesses currently  Sims.
        ment. “                        tomer use throughout the the-  Michigan will re-open to support  permitted by Governor Whitmer  To view Phoenix Theatres re-
           New safety protocols have   ater.                          the return of Hollywood's block-  to open, such as a shopping mall  opening video plan and a com-
        been established for every       “With the recent verdict of the  buster movies to the big screen,”  and likely safer than indoor  plete listing of safety protocols,
        aspect of the theater, Jacobsen  Michigan Supreme Court that  Jacobsen said.                restaurants, where people might  visit
        said, including:    Phoenix    places Gov. (Gretchen) Whitmer's  “I believe allowing the movie  have masks off for a significant  /covid.
        Autistic man may be retried in Westland armed robbery

           An autistic man who suffered  charges without prejudice    keeping his hand in his pocket  force in the incident.       trauma from the arrest made
        a serious injury as a result of a  which allows the charges to be  and left the restaurant with  Westland Police Chief Jeff  the life of a disabled man even
        blow from a Westland police    refiled and prosecutors have   about $200. An employee       Jedrusik said the use of the   more difficult.
        officer wielding a baton may   entered a court motion to set  reported a robbery and        baton by Landis did not adhere    “I think they should just dis-
        once again face armed robbery  aside that dismissal and have  responding Westland police    to department policy or train-  miss the charges altogether, but
        charges.                       Blair undergo another compe-   officers observed Blair running  ing. Jedrusik also asked Wayne  this is not unheard of,” said
           Judge Sandra Cicirelli of the  tency evaluation.           near Woodcrest Apartments.    County prosecutors to review   Marko. “It's pretty standard. I'm
        18th District Court dismissed    If medical professionals find  According to police reports,  the use-of-force evidence    not surprised.”
        armed robbery charges against  him competent during a Nov. 12  Blair did not respond to police  against Landis, an evaluation  A co-defendant in the armed
        Nicholas Deshawn Blair, 24,    examination, Blair will face   orders to stop and subsequently  which remains incomplete.   robbery case, Shairnee Carson,
        during a hearing June 11. Her  armed robbery charges in an    fell face-first into landscape   Blair recently had his eye  32, who lived at the Woodcrest
        decision was based on a foren-  incident which took place Jan.  rocks.                      surgically   removed     and   Apartments at the time Blair
        sic report which evaluated him  16 at the Arby's restaurant on  Responding Ofc. Kristopher  repaired, according Jon Marko,  was arrested, pleaded guilty to
        as incapable of cooperating in  North Wayne Road in Westland.  Landis reportedly struck Blair  the attorney representing him.  a charge of being an accessory
        his own defense and having “no  According to police reports,  in the head and neck with a col-  Marko claims that the blow  after the fact to a felony.
        likelihood of competency.”     Blair entered the restaurant   lapsible baton. He was subse-  from the baton caused the       She is expected to be sen-
           Cicirelli dismissed the     and implied he had a gun while  quently fired for using excessive  injuries and added that the  tenced this month.
        Shooting suspects still sought                                                                              Classified

           Inkster police are continuing to search  from the scene, heading south, according            TO PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD CALL 734-467-1900
        for two suspects in a shooting incident last  to police reports.                                   1C3CCBAB4DN698593     1FTCR14X8PPB17973
        week which took place during a large     The other two wounded party-goers                         2005 CADILLAC         2006 JEEP
        gathering at a party.                  were being transported to a hospital for  To whom it may concern  1G6KF579X5U180485  1J4GL58K26W273935
           The shooting took place at about 12:25  treatment when the personal vehicle in  we are reporting a lost  2003 HYUNDAI  1972 OLDSMOBILE
        a.m. Oct. 7, according to police reports at a  which they were riding was involved in a  passport  number  2014 DODGE    2006 FREIGHTLINER
                                                                                     A00028075 from Uganda a
        home on the 30000 block of Carlysle in the  crash at Inkster and Ford roads in  country in the continent of  3C4PDCAB6ET159975  1FUJA6CV39PU17892
        city, where a large party was under way.  Dearborn Heights, police said. Those two,  Africa in the name of  1996 CHEVROLET  2003 SATURN
        Troopers were dispatched to the location  a 32-year-old man from Ypsilanti and a 24-  Navajo Safina if you come  1GNDU06E9TT110127  1G8AG52F63Z150574
                                                                                     across it please give us a
        following a report of a shooting. Witnesses  year-old woman, were also taken to a local  call 734-444-7058 or 734-  2000 FORD  2004 HARLEY
        told the responding officers that two  hospital by EMS responders for treatment  629-6495          2013 FORD             2007 CHEVROLET
        unknown men approached the large       of their injuries and wounds, according to                  NM0LS6BN2DT133850     2G1WD58C979281461
        crowd and fired multiple times, wounding  police reports.                                          2007 CHEVROLET        2005 CHEVROLET           T o subscribe to The Eagle email
        three people.  Individuals in the crowd  The shooting remains under investiga-  PUBLIC AUCTION     1GCEC14Z57E168337     2G1WF52E759336264
        fired back at the shooters, witnesses said.  tion, police said.                 MARTIN’S TOWING    2006 KIA              2002 BUICK
           One of the victims was transported to a  Anyone with information about the   17180 DIX TOLEDO   2002 SATURN           2008 LINCOLN
        local hospital for treatment of his non-life  incident is asked to contact the Michigan  BROWNSTOWN  1G8ZH52852Z251847   3LNHM28T78R642093
                                                                                            MI 48193
        threatening wound by local first respon-  State Police Metro South Post at (734) 287-  OCTOBER 19, 2020  2008 DODGE      2004 FORD
        ders.                                  5000 or leave a tip on the Michigan State   10:00 AM        2D8HN54P18R834399     2FAFP74W14X167915
           Both shooters then immediately ran  Police mobile app.                                          2004 FORD             2002 PONTIAC
                                                                                     2010 CHEVROLET        1FTNE24W74HA65307     1G2WK52J22F255714
                                                                                     2CNALPEW6A6232964     2008 CHRYSLER         2002 FORD
                                                                                     1999 ISUZU
        Wild                                   leadership roles on the civil unrest we're  4S2CK58WXX4326067  2011 DODGE         2007 FORD
                                                                                     2013 CHRYSLER
                                               experiencing nationally.”
                                                 In addition, Wild hopes to make the                       1993 FORD
        FROM PAGE 1                            importance of local communities a plat-
                                               form issue leading up to the next gover-
         district and recently, the city was recog-  nor's race in 2022.
         nized as one of America's top 50 places to  “The League has done an incredible
         live, work, and play by Wall Street 24/7,  job with its SaveMICity municipal finance
         according to a prepared statement from  reform initiative, showing how the loss of
         the League.                           state revenue sharing has hurt our com-
           As League president, Wild plans to con-  munities,” Wild said. “But I would like us
         tinue the efforts of the organization to  to turn that into a priority in the race for
         reform the broken municipal finance sys-  governor, and eventually I hope to see that
         tem in the state will continue assisting  trickle down and also become a platform
         member communities in recovering from  issue in state Legislature races as well.”
         the COVID-19 pandemic and hopes to con-  He said the trick will be balancing all
         tinue infusing diversity, equity, and inclu-  the different challenges and needs being
         sion work into all aspects of the organiza-  faced by Michigan communities.
         tion and membership, he said.           “We have to remain focused on those
           “I want to continue the work of the  goals we had before the pandemic
         League and the direction the board has  because our broken municipal finance
         set over the last few years,” Wild said.  system has not gone away,” Wild said. “We
         “Obviously, we will be working to restart  need to make progress on all fronts. We
         our communities and our local economies  really have our work cut out for us this
         post COVID-19. And I'd like to see    year, but it's an exciting time, and together,
         Michigan's communities continue to take  I know we will accomplish a lot.”
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