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June 24, 2021                                                  ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 7

                                SUMPTER                                                                  23480 Sumpter Rd., Belleville, MI 48111 Minutes
                                                                                                           Sumpter Township Regular Board Meeting
                                                                                                               Tuesday, April 27, 2021, 6:00 p.m.

                                                                                      To mitigate the spread of COVID-19, protect the public health, and provide essential protections to Sumpter Township residents;
        Heroes                                                                        MDHHS directive(s) regarding remote public meetings.
                                                                                      this Board of Trustees' meeting was conducted virtually in compliance with State of Michigan Governor's Executive Order(s) and
                                                                                      Meeting called to order by Supervisor T. Bowman at 6:29 pm. Roll call: Supervisor T. Bowman (Wayne Cty, Sumpter Twp, MI),
                                                                                      Clerk E. Hurst (Wayne Cty, Sumpter Twp, MI), Treasurer J. Clark (Wayne Cty, Sumpter Twp, MI), Trustees: Oddy (Wayne Cty,
        Township officers are honored                                                 Sumpter Twp, MI), Rush (Wayne Cty, Sumpter Twp, MI), LaPorte (Wayne Cty, Sumpter Twp, MI) and Morgan (Wayne Cty,
                                                                                      Sumpter Twp, MI). Also showing present: Deputy Clerk Burdick, Deputy Supervisor O'Connell, Deputy Treasurer Clark, Safety
                                                                                      Director/ Chief of Police Luke, Chief Januszyk and 14 attendees.
                                                                                      3. Agenda: Motion by LaPorte, supported by Morgan to approve the Agenda with the following edits;
                                                                                             REMOVE: 14. New Business, Item B
                                                                                             REMOVE: 14. New Business, Item C
           While the usual public recognition  the child's mother and obtained a lead to  Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan.
        ceremony celebrating the performance   their whereabouts and then coordinated    Nay: None. Motion carried.
        of officers of the Sumpter Police      with a local police department in      4. Public Comments on Agenda Items Only: No Comments.
        Department was cancelled due to public  Pennsylvania, who quickly acted on    5. Minutes:
        safety restrictions, Sumpter Township  Steffani's information. Within a short    Motion by Oddy, supported by Rush to approve the Regular Board Meeting Minutes of April 13, 2021. Roll call vote: Yes:
        Director of Public Safety/Police Chief  time, the juvenile was recovered, and the  Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion
        Eric Luke recently presented the awards  adult male was arrested. The male was
        to officers and posted the 2020 award  sentenced to jail in Pennsylvania for  6. Warrants:
                                                                                         Motion by Morgan, supported by LaPorte to approve the warrants total of $144,899.52. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T.
        recipients online.                     resisting arrest for his actions upon being  Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.
                                               located by Pennsylvania officers and sub-
          OFFICER OF                           sequently extradited to Michigan, where  7. Parks & Recreation/Chambers Report - Rush:
                                                                                             Trustee Rush reported that the Parks & Recreation April 24th Earth Day & Cleanup event went very well. He was
           THE YEAR                            he is still being held on several charges.    very pleased with the Volunteer turnout and the results. The
                                                                                             Volunteers brought their own tools and contributed a full day's effort! Trustee Morgan added a big thank you to all
           Selection is                        The juvenile female was returned to her       who assisted in cleaning our Parks.
        based upon                             parents.                                    •  Trustee Rush wanted to thank the 1st Responders who attended the recently held SkyWarn Training. This was the
                                                                                             first training held in 2 years due to COVID safety concerns and one of only a few sessions held in all of SouthEast
        the member's                             During 2020, Toth and Salajan have          Michigan this storm season.
        significant                            worked diligently on all major cases that  Motion by LaPorte, supported by Oddy to accept the Parks & Recreation/Chambers Report. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T.
                                                                                      Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.
        contribution to                        came into the department, Luke said. In
        the mission of                         an unprecedented year full of chal-    8. Water & Sewer Report - Clark:
                                                                                         Motion by Clark, supported by Morgan to receive and file the Water & Sewer Report. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T.
        the Sumpter                            lenges, including the COVID-19 pandem-    Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.
        T o wnship                             ic, they worked tirelessly on a caseload  9. Planning & Zoning Report - Oddy:
        P olice                                that included several CSC cases, numer-     •  Trustee Oddy advised that the Zoning Board of Appeals met on April 1, 2021 and approved, with stipulations, 3 Pole
        Department                             ous drug cases, and multiple shooting       •  Barn variance applications.
                                                                                             Trustee Oddy noted that the Planning Commission is currently working on the existing Sign Ordinance. The main
        and       was                          incidents in the Rawsonville Woods            focus of the Commission is to meet compliance with current Federal regulations, with results submitted to the Board
                                                                                             over the next few months.
        awarded to                             Mobile Home Park. This was in addition  Motion by Rush, supported, by Morgan to approve the Planning & Zoning Report. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman,
        Ofc. Joseph        Ofc. Joseph Hogan.  to a quadruple homicide that's still pro-  Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.
        Hogan.                                 ceeding through the court process. The  10. Senior Report - Hurst:
                                                                                           The building will be closed from May 5th to May 19th, 2021 Maryann will be out of town.
           Luke said that during the course of  detectives' guidance to patrol and their  •  Arthritis Foundation Exercise class is on Monday's and Thursday's at 10:30 approximately 8 participants.
        the year, Hogan exemplified what a     contribution to the department mission    • •  Bible Study meets on Tuesday's 10:15.
                                                                                           Cardio drumming is outside with fresh air under the pavilion at 6:30pm on Tuesdays and Thursday's. This is an inter-
        Sumpter Township Police officer should  have been invaluable, the chief said.      generational event with Grandma's, Moms, daughters, granddaughters, and Fathers! Equipment is available and mem-
        be.                                                                              •  bership fee required.
                                                                                           Meals on Wheels is distributed on Mondays and Thursdays to 48 Homebound clients.
           “Despite personal risk due to the             VALUED SERVICE                  •  TEFAP (Commodities) Program distribution is on the third Thursday, May 20, 2021 from 9:00am to 11:00am we dis-
        COVID-19 pandemic, Hogan continued       Members qualifying for this award       •  tribute drive thru style at the rear hallway entrance, if you have any questions please call Maryann 734-461-9373.
                                                                                           Our Senior Center is a MICAFE site offering assistance applying for the Bridge card or other benefits one may qualify
        to be proactive in the community, partic-  have accrued a minimum of 20 years of   for call Maryann for more information.
        ularly in the Rawsonville Woods Mobile  continued service. The employee must     Motion by Morgan, supported by Rush to approve the Senior Report. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor
                                                                                         T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.
        Home Park, in response to several vio-  demonstrate a consistent commitment to
        lent crimes. Through his exceptional   the department through the quality of  11. Treasurer's Report - Clark:
                                                                                         Motion by Morgan, supported by Hurst to receive and file the Treasurer's Report. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman,
        police skills, Ofc. Hogan conducted self-  work performed.                       Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.
        initiated activity and apprehended drug  The award went to Det. Lt. John Toth  12. Board Response:
        dealers within the community,” Luke    who has served the township for 20        •  Trustee Morgan stated that she wanted to respond to questions from the residents about a couple of issues. The first being
        said.  Luke added that Hogan's keen    years.                                      about Forgotten Harvest. Unfortunately, Forgotten Harvest decided not to conduct activities in Sumpter Township due
                                                                                           to a Sumpter Township employee's behavior with the visiting Wayne County and Forgotten Harvest representatives.
        sense in narcotics enforcement led to the                                        •  Trustee Morgan remarked to the issue of two ex-employees receiving exorbitant final payouts and, in one case, 3 months'
        discovery of numerous Ecstasy tablets              LIFESAVING                      benefits continuation and mistakes being covered up and not addressed. Trustee Oddy granted the floor by Point of Order
                                                                                           and asked Supervisor Bowman to shut Trustee Morgan's Board Response down due to the inappropriate public allega-
        and illegal prescription pills intended to  These awards are presented to          tions regarding Sumpter Township employees. Supervisor Bowman granted the Point of Order request.
        be distributed within the community, fol-  department members who are credited  13. Unfinished Business: None.
        lowing a vehicle pursuit and foot chase.  with actively saving a human life.     Trustee Oddy stated that the Board Response should not be used to publicly berate employees.
        His skills also came to light in the appre-  This year, Ofc. Hudson and Ofc   14. New Business:
        hension of a suspected heroin dealer and  Rodriguez; Sgt. Balowski, Ofc. Herrick  A. Motion by Rush, supported by LaPorte to approve to purchase a 2021 Ford Police Interceptor Utility for the police depart-
        parole absconder at a known drug       and Ofc. Hogan; Sgt. Steffani and         ment from Atchinson Ford for $39,564.14. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark;
                                                                                         Trustees: Oddy, LaPorte, Rush, and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.
        house,” Luke said.                     Ofc.Gottschalk; Sgt. Balowski and Ofc.  D. Motion by Oddy, supported by LaPorte to approve of Amended Resolution 2021-06 regarding Park Millage Funding
           Hogan arrested a suspected crack    Herrick and Sgt. Steffani and Ofc. Hogan,  Allocations for fiscal year 2020-2021 in the amount of 17,662.00. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst,
                                                                                         Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, LaPorte, Rush, and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.
        cocaine dealer, who in turn tried eating a  all in separate instances and calls were  E. Motion by Oddy, supported by LaPorte to approve of Resolution 2021-07 regarding Park Millage Funding Allocations for
        large amount of the drug to eliminate  directly responsible for saving lives.    fiscal year 2018-2019 in the amount of 15,880.00. This resolution will amend resolution 2019-10 approved by the Board of
                                                                                         Trustees on June 25, 2019. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy,
        evidence. Despite the dealer's efforts,                                          LaPorte, Rush, and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.
        Hogan was still able to recover evidence      CHIEF’'S RECOGNITION            F. Motion by Morgan, supported by Rush to approve of the attached for infrastructure project plan for capital improvements
                                                                                         and grant applications. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy,
        and articulate the offense, Luke said.   The chief of police may present this    LaPorte, Rush, and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.
           “Officer Hogan's ability to detect crim-  award to a member of the police depart-
        inal activity is second to none, his investi-  ment for any reason deemed worthy of  15. Announcements: None.
        gations are solid, and his reports are  recognition                           16. Open Floor: None spoke.
        articulated clearly and concisely, result-  This year. Luke presented the award  17. Closed Session;
        ing in approved charges,” Luke conclud-  to Ofc. Devos and Ofc. Herrick and Ofc.   A. (at the request of Joe Januszyk only) if not than an open meeting, pursuant to MCL 15.268 (a) to consider discipli-
        ed.                                    Toney and Sgt. Cayce marking separate         nary action including dismissal, suspension, or other disciplinary action, as to the Township Fire Chief Joe Januszyk
                                               incidents of exemplary performance of         and to review confidential information provided by the Township Attorney and Public Safety Director which is
                                                                                             exempt from public disclosure by statute or federal law.
                MERITORIOUS SERVICE            their duties along with Sgt. Balowski, Ofc.  Attorney Young advised that the contract employee, Chief Joseph Januszyk, has the option to conduct this session in Open
           This award is presented to a member  Herrick, and Ofc.Hogan in another call  Meeting or Closed Session. The Attorney indicated that he spoke with Chief Januszyk and his wish was to conduct this session
        of the department who has performed an  and Sgt. Steffani, Ofc. Gottschalk, Ofc.  in Open Meeting. Chief Januszyk concurred. Attorney Young advised that this session will be held in Open Meeting. Supervisor
                                                                                      Bowman restated the Session consideration.
        efficient and valuable service either in  Hogan, Det. Lt. Toth and Det Salajan.  Chief Januszyk advised that he had no problem with the Whistle-Blower involved in the recent events and wanted to insure all
        the performance of a specific task or in  The awards were presented, Luke     knew his position on the investigation prior to Board action. He stated he was advised of an employee that made statements and
        the outstanding performance of general  said, for the officers bravery and exem-  he made a mistake by assuming it was 14 months prior based on the investigation activities, although Chief Luke corrected Chief
                                                                                      Januszyk stating that it had been approximately 2-3 months prior.
        duties over an extended period.        plary performance in separate incidents
           Awards this year went to Sgt Brian  and calls for service during 2020.     Supervisor Bowman indicated that the Whistle-Blower was only an additional indication of what Chief Luke's investigation
        Steffani, Det. Lt. John Toth and Det.    “I want to personally thank the award  revealed. That Chief Januszyk had not been properly doing his job for 14 months. Based on this, he felt he had to take Chief
                                                                                      Luke's recommendation of action. Chief Luke clarified his report and investigation in that it did not recommend the termination
        George Salajan. Luke said the depart-  recipients along with all other members  of the Chief's contract and that this needed to be a Board action. He wanted to ensure his opinions were not part of the Board's
                                                                                      decision and that the Fire Chief's comments at the prior meeting were the current reason for review and decision.
        ment had taken a report of a 14-year-old  of the department for a job well done in
        female that had run away from home.    2020. What a strange year it was but your  Trustee Morgan inquired as to what the Fire Chief said at the past Board Meeting that now compelled cancellation of his con-
                                                                                      tract. Supervisor Bowman stated that the facts of the investigation spoke for themselves and that there's been plenty of time for
        While the juvenile had left of her own  dedication and service to the community  Board Member review to take action. Supervisor Bowman further stated that the Fire Chief's actions at the past meeting, by call-
        accord, the mother grew concerned that  in the face of unparalleled adversity did  ing out the Whistle- Blower were inappropriate
        her daughter was being coerced by a 19-  not go unnoticed,” Luke said.        Chief Januszyk indicated that during the last meeting he'd had a long day in response as well as fatigue and a medical condition
        year-old man trying to get her to leave  The details of specific cases and    that influenced his statements and attitude. He stated he never mentioned the Whistle-Blower, only a Township employee.
        the state, with information that they were  response to calls for service can by found  Trustee LaPorte advised that the Fire Chief stated that the person who came forward on the issues was just as guilty as she (C.
        possibly en route to Florida. Over two  on the Sumpter Township Police        Armatis) was. That was the Fire Chief's statement regarding the Whistle- Blower. For 14 months, the Fire Chief had no oversight
                                                                                      on payroll and he signed his name for each of  the 14 months at the bottom of the payroll and attested they were correct. There
        days, Steffani conducted follow-up with  Facebook page.                       is evidence of payroll fraud. Those are the facts. Oversight was the Fire Chief's responsibility, no one else. The Fire Chief indi-
                                                                                      cated he never denied responsibility.
                                                                                      Motion by LaPorte, supported by Rush to approve of, with respect and without cause, the termination of the employment con-
                                       Sumpter Township                               tract for Chief Joseph Januszyk effective immediately; appointing Mr. Richard Brown as interim Fire Chief of Sumpter Township
                                   Virtual Special Board Meeting                      Fire Department with the same as previous Chief.
                                  Friday, April 30, 2021, 12:00 p.m.                  The motion was explained to Chief Januszyk by Trustee LaPorte.
                                23480 Sumpter Rd., Belleville, MI 48111               Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst; Trustees: Oddy, LaPorte and Rush. Nays: Treasurer J. Clark and
                                           Minutes                                    Trustee Morgan. Motion carried.
         NOTICE:                                                                           B. Pursuant to MCL 15.268 (c)to review and discuss updates and strategy regarding the pending negotiations with
         To mitigate the spread of COVID-19, protect the public health, and provide essential protections to Sumpter Township residents;  COAM regarding wages.
         this Board of Trustees’ meeting was conducted virtually in compliance with State of Michigan Governor’s Executive Order(s)
         and MDHHS directive(s) regarding remote public meetings.                     At 7:12 pm, Motion by Rush, supported by Oddy to move into Closed Session. Roll call vote; Ayes; Trustees Oddy, Rush, LaPorte
                                                                                      and Morgan, Treasurer J. Clark, Clerk E. Hurst, Supervisor T. Bowman. Nays: None. Motion carried.
         Meeting called to order by Supervisor T. Bowman at 12:00 pm. Roll call: Supervisor T. Bowman (Wayne Cty, Belleville, MI),
         Clerk E. Hurst (Burlington, NC), Treasurer J. Clark (Wayne Cty, Sumpter Twp, MI), Trustees: Oddy (Wayne Cty, Sumpter Twp,  At 7:34 pm, Motion by LaPorte, supported by Rush to open the Regular Board Meeting. Roll call vote; Ayes; Trustees Oddy,
         MI), Rush (Wayne Cty, Sumpter Twp, MI) and Morgan (Wayne Cty, Sumpter Twp, MI). Trustee LaPorte excused. Also showing  Rush, LaPorte and Morgan, Treasurer J. Clark, Clerk E. Hurst, Supervisor T. Bowman. Nays: None. Motion carried.
         present: Deputy Clerk Burdick, Deputy Supervisor O’Connell, Deputy Treasurer Clark, Safety Director/ Chief of Police Luke,
         Chief Januszyk and 4 attendees.                                              At 7:35 pm, Motion by LaPorte, supported by Oddy to accept the Attorney's recommendations and actions as advised during the
                                                                                      Closed Session. Roll call vote; Ayes; Trustees Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan, Treasurer J. Clark, Clerk E. Hurst, Supervisor
         3. Agenda: Motion by Oddy, supported by Rush to approve the agenda. Roll call vote; Ayes; Trustees Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and  T. Bowman. Nays: None. Motion carried.
         Morgan, Treasurer J. Clark, Clerk E. Hurst Supervisor T. Bowman. Nays: None. Trustee LaPorte excused. Motion carried.
                                                                                      Motion by LaPorte, supported by Rush to virtually conduct the scheduled Regular Board Meeting on Tuesday, May 11, 2021.
         4. Public Comments on Agenda Items Only: None.                               Roll call vote; Ayes; Trustees Oddy, Rush and LaPorte, Clerk E. Hurst Supervisor T. Bowman. Nays: Treasurer J. Clark and
                                                                                      Trustee Morgan. Motion carried.
         5. New Business:
                                                                                      18. Adjournment; Motion by Rush, supported by Oddy to adjourn at 7:38 pm. Motion carried.
         A. Motion by Morgan, supported by Oddy to approve of Township Hall closure effective April 30, 2021 to May 10, 2021, exclud-
         ing limited, necessary functions of election and payroll. Roll call vote; Ayes;  Trustees Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan,  Minutes prepared by;
         Treasurer J. Clark, Clerk E. Hurst Supervisor T. Bowman. Nays: None. Trustee LaPorte excused. Motion carried.  Anthony Burdick, Deputy Clerk
                                                                                      Sumpter Township
         B. Motion by Morgan, supported by Oddy to REMOVE from consideration the interim appointment due to recent events. Roll
         call vote; Ayes; Trustees Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan, Treasurer J. Clark, Clerk E. Hurst Supervisor T. Bowman. Nays:  _____________________________  __________________
         None. Trustee LaPorte excused. Motion carried.                               Esther Hurst, Clerk         Date
         6. Open Floor: No attendees spoke.                                           _____________________________  __________________
                                                                                      Timothy Bowman, Supervisor  Date
         7. Adjournment: Motion by Morgan, supported by Oddy to adjourn at 12:39 pm. Motion carried.                                                ST0055 - 062421  2.5 x 19.86
         Minutes prepared by,
         Anthony Burdick, Deputy Clerk
         Sumpter Township                                                                                       To subscribe to
         _____________________________  __________________                                                         The Eagle
         Esther Hurst, Clerk          Date
         _____________________________  __________________
         Timothy Bowman, Supervisor   Date                             ST0056 - 062421  2.5 x 5.225
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