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PAGE 10                                                        ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                            June 24, 2021

                                                NORTHVILLE - PLYMOUTH
                                                NORTHVILLE - PLYMOUTH

        Northville Fire Chief to retire July 2

           Putting out fires was Steve                                                              through a variety of means -
        Ott's job in both his professional                        ”                                 equipment replacement funds,
        careers, first as an attorney and            He has so much to be proud of.                 federal grants for the new rescue
        then as City of Northville Fire                                                             truck, and regional grants for
        Chief.                                     It was a pleasure to work with him.              new radios and hoses.”
           He will officially retire as fire                                                           The department has also
        chief July 2.                                                                               improved the process of collect-
           A partner at the Miller       Fires, however, had interested  That led to the establishment  ing data from each run and keep-
        Canfield law firm, Ott joined the  Ott for several years, he said. He  of the current EMT service which  ing track of who has completed
        Northville Fire Department as an  had watched the action at the fire  now accounts for a high percent-  training courses by switching
        on-call firefighter and emergency  station next to his dorm at  age of calls for service in the  from paper forms to an electronic
        medical technician in 1985 when  Michigan State University and  department.                 data base. This conversion, using
        he and his family initially moved  while studying at Wayne State  At the request of City of  Google docs, now makes it easier
        to Northville. He became “of   Law, he awakened one night to a  Plymouth officials in 2010,  to see performance metrics and
        counsel” or part-time at the law  massive warehouse fire nearby.  Northville agreed to man a fire  produce a variety of reports,” Ott          Steve Ott
        firm when he became chief in   He said he watched in awe as   station and service the City of  said.
        Northville in 2014.            firefighters battled the flames  Plymouth following negotiation  “Chief Ott has led so many ini-  City Fire Department, he brought
           He recalled his rather inauspi-  and when he saw an ad to  of a contract finalized in 2012.      tiatives that have advanced our  the department up to speed with
        cious beginnings with the depart-  become an auxiliary member of  “It's a good thing for both com-  fire department, medical  vehicles and equipment, boosted
        ment which started when he hap-  the Detroit Fire Department,  munities,” Ott said. “It provides  response, the partnership with  training, and used technology to
        pened to walk past the fire sta-  applied and was accepted, with  each community with additional  Plymouth, and increased training  improve runs and office proce-
        tion. He said he noticed a crew  subsequent training and supervi-  resources that you couldn't have  and professionalism,” said  dures, officials said.
        training through the open bay  sion.                          with only one station.”  Currently,  Northville City Manager Pat  “A lot of people have stepped
        doors and was intrigued. The     In the early years of being an  the Northville Fire Department  Sullivan. “He has so much to be  up” to achieve these upgrades to
        professional attorney asked for-  on-call firefighter for Northville,  is staffed by four captains, four  proud of. It was a pleasure to  the department, Ott said. Under
        mer Fire Chief Jim Allen if he  Ott and others proposed teaching  lieutenants and 60 paid on-call  work with him.”         his leadership, on-call firefight-
        could observe the crew training  an EMT class in-house, and Allen  firefighters, with 30 each allocat-  In retirement, Ott plans to  ers, emergency medical techni-
        exercises and that led to his even-  agreed. At that time, the depart-  ed to Station 1 (City of Northville)  travel nationally and abroad, and  cians (EMTs) and lieutenants and
        tual joining the department. He  ment only put out fires, personnel  and Station 2 (City of Plymouth).  spend more time with his adult  captains have gone the extra mile
        said he suspects that Allen was  didn't supply any official medical  “The department has never  children, four grandchildren, and  to make sure the department
        very doubtful about the abilities  assistance. EMT training sessions  been as well equipped as it is  his many friends.             stays top-notch and ready to
        of a lawyer to handle the rigors of  initially took place all day, every  now,” Ott said, “We've been able  In the seven years that Ott has  serve the community, city offi-
        firefighting back then.        Sunday for seven to eight months.  to stay up-to-date on equipment  served as chief of the Northville  cials said.
        New director named at Plymouth District Library

           Shauna Anderson has been    Souchock.                      for young people, library offi-  That effort, board members
        named as the new director at     Anderson most recently       cials said.                   said, depends on cultivating an
        the Plymouth District Library.  served as the Assistant Director  Board members said that   empowered team of staff who
           Anderson was selected from  of Taylor Community Library    Anderson's diverse background  find joy in their work and seek
        a broad field of candidates fol-  where she set the vision for  in education, technology, and  out meaningful connections
        lowing an extensive search by  public services and experi-    community development and     with patrons.
        the Plymouth District Library  ences to enrich the community.  her belief that strong public   Anderson holds an MSi from
        Board of Trustees, with assis-  As the former Supervisor of   libraries are at the heart of  the University of Michigan
        tance    from     Mortimore    Young Adult Services at Skokie  close-knit communities influ-  School of Information with a
        Consulting.  Final interviews  Public Library in Skokie, IL,  enced their decision.         double-specialization     in
        were conducted at a special    Anderson spearheaded the use     They said that she is commit-  Library  Science      and
        public meeting of members of   of restorative practices in pub-  ted to building on established  Community Informatics.
        the library board on June 6 and  lic libraries, built out the frame-  library practices to provide  Library patrons may remem-
        Anderson chosen to fill the    work for an all-ages experien-  learning experiences that are  ber Anderson, as she formerly
        position left vacant with the  tial learning lab, and re-imag-  social, participatory, interest-  served as a Teen Services
        retirement earlier this month  ined services that vastly      driven, and relevant for people  Librarian at the Plymouth
        of former library Director Carol  increased library participation  of all ages and backgrounds.  District Library.                      Shauna Anderson
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