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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                         February 21, 2019

                              BELLEVILLE - ROMULUS

        Silent service

        Local man stationed on Navy submarine

           Modern attack submarines      “I was taught to work hard   the most highly trained and
        are the most technologically   and never quit,” said Bransham.  skilled people in the Navy.
        advanced and capable undersea  “It helps you in making a better  Regardless of their specialty,
        warfighters in the world.      life for you and your family.”  everyone has to learn how every-
        Operating these highly complex   Jobs are highly varied aboard  thing on the ship works and how
        submarines requires sailors from  the submarine. Approximately  to respond in emergencies to
        the U.S. Navy submarine com-   130 sailors make up the crew,  become “qualified in sub-
        munity, also known as the 'Silent  doing everything from handling  marines” and earn the right to
        Service.'                      weapons to maintaining nuclear  wear the coveted gold or silver
           Petty Officer 2nd Class Aaron  reactors.                   dolphins on their uniform.
        Bransham, a 2014 Belleville High  Attack submarines are         Though there are many ways
        School graduate and native of  designed to hunt down and      for sailors to earn distinction in
        Belleville, has served for four  destroy enemy submarines and  their command, community, and
        years and works as a Navy      surface ships; strike targets  career, Bransham is most proud
        machinist's mate (nuclear) serv-  ashore with cruise missiles;  of earning his dolphins.
        ing aboard one of the world's  carry and deliver Navy SEALs;    “The relationships I have
        most advanced nuclear-powered  carry out intelligence, surveil-  been able to have as a result of
        submarines, USS Charlotte,     lance, and reconnaissance mis-  earning my dolphins has been
        homeported at Joint Base Pearl  sions; and engage in mine war-  very rewarding,” said Bransham.
        Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii.         fare. Their primary tactical     Serving in the Navy is a con-
           As a Navy machinist's mate  advantage is stealth, operating  tinuing tradition of military serv-
        (nuclear), Bransham is responsi-  undetected under the sea for  ice for Bransham, who has mili-
        ble for maintenance and opera-  long periods of time.         tary ties with family members  Aaron Bransham of Belleville serves on the U.S. Navy submarine
        tion of boats, nuclear reactors  Because of the demanding     who have previously served.    USS Charlotte based in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.
        and steam system.              environment aboard submarines,  Bransham said he  is honored to  Navy,” said Bransham. “I will  my life,
           Bransham credits success in  personnel are accepted only   carry on that family tradition.   continue the legacy as both my  “Serving means honor and
        the Navy to many of the lessons  after rigorous testing and obser-  “My grandfather and great-  great-great-grandfather and  duty to our country,”added
        learned in Belleville.         vation. Submariners are some of  great-grandfather served in the  grandfather are role models in  Bransham.
        Animal shelter offers special vaccination prices

           The Romulus Animal Shelter  able vaccinations, nail trimming  Corona/Bordetella; $33 for  year rabies and $34 for RCP &  sold for $7 for a one-year
        will host the annual Dog and Cat  and the sale of dog licenses. The  Lyme; $30 for micro chipping,  FELV.                  license, $12 for a two-year
        Inoculation Day from 9 a.m. to  event is open to all individuals  $19 for a heart worm test, $12 for  Dr. John Hermann will  license and $15 for a three-year
        noon Saturday, Feb. 23. The    with dogs and cats.            fecal analysis (bring a bagged  donate a portion of the proceeds  license. There is a license dis-
        shelter is located at 12300      Dog vaccinations will be $14  stool sample) and $38 for canine  to the Romulus Animal Shelter.  count available for senior citi-
        Wayne Road, north of Eureka    for one-year rabies shots and  influenza.                       Fluff-N-Puff will perform dog  zens and for sterilized animals.
        Road.                          $16 for three-year rabies shots,  Cat vaccinations will be $14  nail trimming for a $5 donation.  For more information, call
           The day will feature afford-  $51      for       DHLPP     for one-ear rabies, $16 for three-  Romulus dog licenses will be  (734) 942-7591 or (734) 942-6851.
        Schools                                As a board,            Fat Tuesday

        FROM PAGE 1                          we truly believe         Rotary Club to host annual buffet
                                              that education
        state for high achievements dur-
        ing the 2012-2013 school year.       is a partnership           Members of the Belleville      The pre-Lenten meal fea-      Proceeds from the dinner
           According to the Mackinac         between home,            Rotary Club are again hosting  tures soup, salads, a pasta bar  and raffles will support local
        Center for Public Policy,                                     their traditional Italian Dinner  with several sauces including  Rotary Club projects which
        McAnally's total compensation         school and the          Buffet on Fat Tuesday.        meat and vegetarian. Soda and  benefit the Belleville, Sumpter,
        annually was $181,634 in 2016.         community.               The dinner is set for 4:30-7:30  paczki will also be available -  Van Buren tri-community, Van
        The board did not comment on                                  p.m. on March 5 at the Van    sold separately.  Tickets priced  Buren Public Schools, the
        whether the leave would include                               Buren Eagles, 9961 Beck Road.  at $12 for adults and $6 for chil-  Salvation Army and other local
        payment of her contracted salary                              As always, the Rotarians are  dren 12 and younger can be     charities.  The club also annual-
        or the term of her employment  ty as the acting superintendent  cooking up a host of        purchased from any Rotarian,   ly provides scholarships to
        contract with the district.    for the Romulus school district.”   Mediterranean delights for  or at the door.  Carry-outs will  graduates of Belleville High
           During a special meeting of   “I am an athlete at heart. A  hungry diners.               be available.                  School.
        the board Feb. 13, Dr. Flinnoia  good team player steps up when
        Hall, III, the current principal at  their team needs assistance,”
        Romulus High School was        Hall explained. “We are one dis-  District robotics competition
        named as interim superinten-   trict and we need to move for-
        dent of the district. He has been  ward with a focus on our kids.”
        principal at the high school since  In light of the leadership  coming to Belleville High School
        2014 having served as a principal  announcement,  Assistant
        in the Detroit Public Schools and  Principal Floretta McNeil-
        Highland Park schools.         Marino will become the head      For the second year, the    from local engineers and men-  built robot.
           Hall, 45, earned a bachelor of  principal at the high school.   FIRST Robotics District compe-  tors to participate in the competi-  Donations will also help the
        arts degree in education from    “We do not take this leader-  tition will take place at Belleville  tion.                 Belleville High School team
        Ferris State University and a  ship change lightly,” said     High School.                     The Belleville High School  accommodate the hundreds of
        master of divinity degree from  Kennard. “As a board, we truly  The competition for 40 First  FIRST Robotics Team began    students from 39 local Michigan
        Payne Theological Seminary and  believe that education is a part-  Robotics teams from schools  three years ago.  The teams have  robotics teams who will compete
        also has a education specialist  nership between home, school  throughout the state is set for 9  won two awards for one rookie  at the event.
        degree from Saginaw Valley     and the community. Romulus     a.m. until 9 p.m. March 1, 8 and 9.  team as well as winning a district  Sponsorship levels are avail-
        State University.              schools can and will continue to  This is the largest high school  competition.             able in amounts from $250 to
           “The board feels that Dr. Hall  strive for excellence in every-  competition in the world,  The Belleville team is seeking  $15,000 dollars, all with accompa-
        is a very effective and experi-  thing we do.”                encouraging students to expand  sponsors for the 2019 competi-  nying recognition and visibility.
        enced administrator,” said       “I'm looking forward to work-  their horizons in science, tech-  tion. Sponsors will help add stu-  For more information about
        Kennard. “He is committed to   ing with the school board in   nology, engineering and math  dents to the team and help them  sponsorships call )734) 697-9133
        academic excellence and we are  effort to address the needs of the  while applying their skills.  learn the technological intrica-  or visit bhsrobotics@vanburen-
        confident Dr. Hall is the best  families and students in this  Nearly 7,000 teams around the  cies as well as the business or team6615.vanbu-
        individual to serve in this capaci-  community,” Hall said.   world build robots with guidance  aspects of making a purpose-


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