Page 25 - rotary2018
P. 25
Making a difference by shining a light on suicide prevention...
The inaugural event at what is and advocates that is rapidly being
becoming a significant annual recognized as an important resource
national conference, took place at in the metropolitan Detroit area for
the St John’s Conference Center in offering knowledge, hope and heal-
Plymouth from Nov 9-11, 2017. ing to individuals, families and com-
Dubbed “The Silent Epidemic: A con- munities touched by suicide.
ference on suicide”, over 200 people “Kevin's Song is a central hub: the
gathered over a period of three days place where people can come to find
to listen to, interact with and be resources and learn about organiza-
inspired by some of the best-known tions that are helping us understand
national and international experts on the causes of suicide as well as effec-
suicide prevention. Particular atten- tive methods of preventing it. It is a
tion was paid to prevention of suicide place where people can find the lat-
among children, military veterans, est research, read reviews of books
and in the workplace. on suicide as well as articles by
The organization that created the experts in the field, and learn about
event is Kevin's Song, a Michigan support groups and activities taking
charitable organization dedicated to place locally, nationally, and global- Kevin's Song was created by the par-
generating public awareness about ly.” ents of Kevin Urso " honor of Kevin
the causes of suicide, its prevalence A cadre of volunteers from Rotary and to give voice to his memory."
in our society and possible preven- Club of Plymouth A.M. served over
tive measures. the three days in a variety of roles: planning stage. It will take place from
According to Sam Kennedy, welcoming conferees, attending to November 8-10, 2018 at St. John’s
Consultant to the organization and speakers and demonstrating the Conference Center in Plymouth.
member of Rotary Club of Plymouth importance of eliminating suicide For additional information, please
A.M., “Kevin's Song is creating a with a community effort. refer to or call
working community of professionals The 2018 Conference is in active 313-236-7109.