Page 17 - rotary2018
P. 17

Making a difference for children at home and abroad through PCEP Interact...

         Since 2008, the PCEP Interact
       Club has been sponsoring an
       Annual Peace Summit at the
       Plymouth Canton Educational Park
       (PCEP). This year's event was
       planned for February 9th but was
       "snowed out" by a blizzard.  The
       Summit went on as planned a month
       later and was a tremendous suc-
       cess.  Nearly 100 high school stu-
       dents from 5 area  Interact Clubs
       came together on March 17th at
       PCEP to focus on “Building
       Worldwide     Foundations     for
       Children”.                                Dr. Bacheyie speaks about the importance of education in Ghana.
         Sir Dr. Godfrey Bacheyie, a mem-  all children, including the children  plished. The students had a great
       ber of the Rotary Club of Windsor  and families of far away Guo.       day in community service and in
       1918, was the keynote speaker and    The rest of the agenda for the day  making new friends.
       chief inspiration for the day.  Dr.  was three-fold:  to raise funds for  Interact is a program of Rotary
       Bacheyie is a native of a small village  school supplies for our new  Area 5  International  for high school  young-
       near Guo, Ghana.  As a young boy,  Rotary Elementary School in Guo,    sters. There are 281,000 Interact
       he was “found” by a Jesuit priest and  Ghana; to write personal letters to  clubs and 850,000 Interactors world-
       singled out for education.  He grew  the children in the Guo school;  and  wide. The Interact Club at PCEP has
       up to become a world renowned      to make blankets to be distributed to  150+ members who participate in
       pediatric surgeon. Dr. Godfrey talked  youngsters in children’s hospitals in  community and international service
       about how important education is to  SE Michigan. All goals were accom-  projects throughout the school year.

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