2015 Northville July 4th Parade - page 5

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Parade sponsor specializes in ‘memories’
St. Mary Mercy Livonia is proud to
support the Northville Independence
Day Parade and share our memories
through the parade's theme - American
Some memories never fade. They
are timeless treasures of the heart and
cannot be forgotten. St. Mary Mercy is
grateful to be a part of many private
and joyful memories as new boys and
girls are brought into the world in our
Miracle of LifeBirthingCenter.
Our team of caregivers gets to wit-
ness - each and every day - the miracle
of life, and we are privileged to help
bring these new lives into the world.
We have the opportunity to stand
beside women as they become moth-
ers. We witness couples becoming par-
ents; we see their joy when they lay
eyes on their child for the first time. We
see big brothers and sisters meeting a
new sibling, and grandparents being
introduced to their first - or 21st grand-
Wewatch as parents count little toes
and tiny fingers. We smile as they
debate over who the child looks like.
And we calm parents when their baby
cries for the first time. We watch as
parents learn about the strengths they
did not know they had and the fears
they did not know existed. We see the
first moment when individuals realize
being a parentmeans loving their child
more than they have ever loved them-
We see the formation of hopes and
dreams. We witness wonder and
amazement and the promise of a bright
Themoments in the first fewdays of
a child's life cannot be replaced. They
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