2015 Northville July 4th Parade - page 3

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The floats, bands and other entries
marching through Northville today
didn't just happen to be traveling
through townby coincidence.
Not a chance.
It takes months of planning and
weeks of work to make sure that the
Annual Northville 4th of July Parade
comes off perfectly and this year, as
in the past 15 years, the Northville
Community Foundation stepped up
to the job. Jessica Striegle, the new
executive director of the foundation,
has followed the blueprint of former
Director Shari Peters who retired
earlier this year, and has been work-
ing on the details and organization of
the event formonths.
“Many people don't even realize
that it is the Foundation that spon-
sors and organizes the parade,”
Striegle said.
The Northville Community
Foundation may be one of the best
kept secrets in the community,
despite the incredible amount of
work for which the organization is
directly responsible for inNorthville.
The Foundation itself is similar to
a 401k for the community. Monies
invested today reap dividends for
years and benefit community pro-
grams, Striegle explained. The
Foundation is a tax-exempt, nonprof-
it, autonomous, publicly supported,
philanthropic institution. It manages
a collection funds for the long-term
benefit of the community and it is a
registerednonprofit 501(c)(3).
In addition to the parade, the
Northville Community Foundation
also manages, supports and operates
Maybury Farm. Striegle said the
Foundation exists for the purpose of
enhancing and enriching life in the
Northville community and southeast
Michigan. The Foundation supports
nonprofits, educational programs,
youth and senior programs, the per-
forming arts and historical preserva-
tion in the community. TheNorthville
Community Foundation was founded
July 2, 1997.
In 1999, the Foundation took on
the Independence Day Parade and
many of the original members of the
Parade Committee are still volun-
teering their time to ensure that
Northville has the best parade possi-
ble. Work on the parade begins in
September and continues up to and a
page 2
Many people
don't even realize
that it is the
Foundation that
sponsors and
organizes the parade.
American Memories
Northville Community Foundation celebrates community, Independence Day
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