Milford Memories 2016 - page 12

Page 10
Red Cross and fire personnel to be on hand
The system of communications at
Milford Memories, on and outside fes-
tival grounds, puts event staff in touch
with police, fire, and medical emer-
gency personnel as well as shuttle driv-
ers to serve guests in anyway needed.
TheHuron Valley Chamber office at
317 Union is the main hub for all festi-
val activities. If you have any questions
or concerns about any issue or situa-
tion, visit the office for immediatehelp.
First Aid, sponsored by American
Red Cross and Milford Fire
Department is available in the First
Aid tent. The tent is located right in the
center of festival grounds and manned
by American Red Cross staff to assist
with minor urgent conditions like cuts
and scrapes, bee stings, and dehydra-
In addition to the hospital first aid
station, Huron Valley Ambulance bicy-
cle medics and Milford Fire
Department emergency personnel will
patrol the grounds as well, in case of
Should visitors need help or first
aid, they should contact a festival vol-
unteer who can immediately direct
themto the tent.
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