Page 20 - icefest2020
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Plymouth Ice Festival
       Page 20

       Sensory from page 19               nonprofit which helps special needs
                                          families via bowling at Plaza Lanes and
         She said autistic people, those with  yoga at the Plymouth Community Arts
       emotional issues and some others have  Council building.
       difficulty with noise. On Jan. 9, the  For the Miracle League of Plymouth
       evening was designed to be quiet and  ballgames, Hermann notes the seven-
       participants were to be given “fidget  week season keeps some athletes com-
       items” to hold. Wheelchair users could  ing back year after year, some since it
       use the library handicap-accessible  opened thanks to generous donors.
       ramp, which is heated for safety.  Some athletes have passed away.      Start your saws
         Live ice carving and entertainment  She was getting the word out about
       are also on tap Jan. 9 at the library in  the new Sensory Friendly event,  The Dueling Chainsaws competi-
       Plymouth.                          including through the Canton         tion, one of the decades-long tra-
         Maggie Hermann, 16, has cerebral  Therapeutic Recreation program. She's  ditions at the Plymouth Ice Festival
       palsy and is a wheelchair user. Her  pleased the Miracle League of      will take place this year on the
                                                                               Main Stage in Kellogg Park begin-
       mom likes this chance “to allow them  Plymouth will have a large ice sculp-  ning at 7 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 11.
       to experience things they may not be  ture this January at the festival as well  As usual, the carvers, including
       able to” elsewhere.                as a smaller one by the Plymouth     World Champion and 2019 winner
         “It's definitely more than when she  library. Hermann is “getting the fami-  Jeff Law, will have a block of ice
       (Maggie) was little,” Hermann said. She  lies excited, getting them to want to  and 15 minutes to create their
       and her family are also looking forward  engage in events like this.    entry for judging. This competition
       to a move soon to Plymouth for a more  “It's just been a nice thing to see it  is the favorite event of many peo-
       adaptive home.                     come to this. It's a perfect fit,” she noted  ple and draws a huge audience to
         Hermann also heads a Kelly's Kidz  of the event.                      watch the ice chips fly.
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