Page 5 - Ice Festival 2015

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Plymouth Ice Festival
Page 3
Cool career
Festival organizer has high hopes for expanded event
James Geitzen claims he hasn't
been to work since the day he began
his own company, JAGEntertainment.
That's because, the 24-year-old said,
there is simply nothing he would
rather be doing than organizing enter-
tainment events for communities.
Especially Plymouth, where he
learned most of what he knows about
his craft.
“I can't think of anything I would
rather do or that would be more fun
for me. I can't express how much I
enjoy doing this. Unfortunately, every
once in awhile, I have to look at the
financial aspects of the events which
dictate how much we can really do,”
he said.
The “financial aspects” associated
with the Plymouth Ice Festival have
frustrated Geitzen who would very
much like to see the huge ice sculp-
tures that formerly marked the event,
along with some ideas he has for
future attractions. Those ideas
include interactive sculptures like
walk through castles and other struc-
tures visitors could actually enter.
“I would like people to be able to
walk into and through sculptures, to be
able to be immersed in the art,” he
All those things are possible and in
the future of the Plymouth Ice
Festival, Geitzen said, as more major
sponsors are attracted to the event.
This is Geitzen's second year at the
helm and he said he is very encour-
aged by the growth in sponsorships
andparticipation fromlast year.
page 4
James Geitzen