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Plymouth Ice Festival
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Festival from page 1 One of the most popular family
attractions of the festival, Geitzen said,
businesses. is the Blue Care Network Cross-
“Businesses see an uptick in traffic Country Skiing Zone presented by
during the festival as people walk by Sun and Snow. Seasoned profession-
to view the carvings that local mer- als will explain the gear, help suit peo-
chants have funded,” Geitzen said. ple up and give them the chance to
“This is really a cooperative effort of experience a mini-winter wonderland
all the businesses and the communi- on the cross-country skiing trail built
ty.” in Kellogg Park.
The annual Collegiate Ice Carving Another highly anticipated attrac-
Competition, presented by Genisys tion of the festival, Geitzen said, is the
Credit Union, will host two carving Ice Playground. This interactive space
events, which will include partici- is filled with games carved out of ice
pants from several Michigan colleges and numerous ice sculptures provid-
and universities. The individual com- ing plenty of opportunities for pic-
petition will start at 10 a.m. on tures while children play in the ice.
Saturday, Jan. 12. Competitors will James Gietzen This is simply a “must see” at the festi-
have three hours to carve before their val, he said.
creations are judged by a team of will work together to build and sculpt He added that the festival wouldn't
expert ice carvers. their ice carving. be complete for many local visitors
The ice-carving team competitions The winners of each contest will be without the traditional Party Lot
will take place beginning at 10 a.m. on announced and receive trophies each behind E.G. Nick's restaurant on
Sunday, Jan. 13. Teams of two carvers day around 3 p.m. Forest Street, where there will be cold