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Plymouth Ice Festival
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Karl's entertainment includes duel- homemade soups and family favorites.
ing pianos and live bands on the week- Leo's is open from 6 a.m. until 10
ends. p.m. Sunday through Tuesday and 24
Karl's is highly recommended by hours Wednesday through Saturdays.
diners as offering some of the finest
meals in the area. P F Chang's
Reservations are recommended. 17905 Haggerty Road
Livonia, Mi
Leo's Coney Island (248) 675-0066
41496 Ann Arbor Road With roots in Chinese cooking, the
Plymouth, Mi culinary landscape at P.F. Chang's
(734) 416-8200 stretches across Asia with diverse, cul-
The family recipe for the famous turally inspired recipes.
Greek Salad dressing along with the P.F. Chang's Livonia serves a variety
chili and other great homemade items of Asian-inspired dishes, including
has been the backbone of success for hand-rolled sushi, Vietnamese-style
Leo's Coney Island. The soups and bowls, traditional Chinese
Stassinopoulos brothers, Leo and dim sum, wok-fired chicken and beef
Pete, have built a reputation for quali- Selections include a full line of items entrées, and family-style noodles and
ty food and service. for the whole family including Greek rice. All made from scratch every day.
Leo's Coney Island has evolved specialties, breakfast, and a children's P.F. Chang's honors the 2,000-year-
from a limited menu offering the menu. Leo has made it his mission to old Asian tradition of wok cooking and
basics of Coney Islands, fries, burgers provide the experience of a Coney believes in making food from scratch
and Greek Salads to a wide menu. Island, while also offering delicious every day in every restaurant. With a