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       members of the Rotary Club of      event.  Again this year, children 10 and  Founded in 1996, The Rotary Club
       Plymouth A.M., also known as the   younger eat at no cost, limit one free  of Plymouth A.M. remains one of the
       morning Rotary club.  The Italian  kids meal per one paid adult meal.  youngest service clubs in Plymouth.
       party atmosphere is enhanced by      Tickets may be purchased from any  Members actually enjoy getting up
       strolling minstrels, Giuseppe the  member of the morning Rotary club or  early each Tuesday morning and
       greeter, a “meatball toss” for young-  at Travel Leaders, (734) 455-5810, the  enjoying a companionable breakfast,
       sters and “lotsa little surprises.”    Michigan Philharmonic (734) 451-2112,  Rosevear said.
         This year, the dinner organizers  E.G. Nick's (at the bar), the Plymouth  Meetings take place from 7 until
       have made an extra effort to be eco-  Chamber of Commerce or at the Fall  8:15 a.m. at the Plymouth Arts &
       friendly by using biodegradable food  Fest Dinner Ticket booth at Penniman  Recreation Complex, 650 Church St.
       delivery boxes and utensils. The take-  and Main Street during Fall Fest.     Door 16.  Individuals who subscribe to
       away bag is a completely reusable,   Most of the proceeds from the     an attitude of “Service Above Self” are
       large poly-cloth shopping bag made  Spaghetti Dinner will be used to pro-  invited to “try us on.” No reservations
       from recycled plastic bottles. Even the  vide scholarships for Plymouth-Canton  needed.
       trash bags are bio-degradable this  area youngsters who have overcome    “'The Spaghetti Dinner is one of the
       year, Rosevear  said.              major challenges in order to graduate  most important means of raising
         Drive through carry out service is  from high school.                awareness about our club and funding
       available from 4 until 7:30 p.m.     In addition, funds will be used to  our many community-focused and
       Saturday or until dinners are sold out.  supply books, equipment and teacher  international Rotary Peace Through
       Patrons can drive into the E.G. Nick's  training for the two schools recently  Service projects and undertakings,”
       parking lot from Harvey Street to pick  built by the Rotary Club of Plymouth  explained Rosevear who is also a past
       up meals to take home to enjoy.    A.M. in Ghana, Africa and for numer-  president of the club.
         Spaghetti Dinner tickets are $10 per  ous Rotary projects in the Plymouth-  For additional information about
       adult if purchased in advance; $12.50  Canton, Detroit and Southeast   the dinner or club membership, con-
       per adult on the day of and at the  Michigan area communities.         tact Rosevear at (734) 455-5810.
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