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The anchor attraction of the annu-
al Plymouth Fall Festival, the chicken
barbecue, will take place Sunday,
Sept. 11 in Kellogg Park in downtown
Rotary Club members are already
gearing up to reach their goal of
10,500 chicken dinners prepared and
sold in just one day, all to benefit local
charities, Linville said.
“The planning and preparation for
this enormous yearly event begins as
soon as the barbecue pits have closed
the year before. We've beendoing this
a long, long time, but we learn some-
thing new every September-what con-
tinues to work, what to keep, what to
change. It's how we maintain the tra-
ditions and integrity of the event
while keeping it fresh and fun from
year to year,” explainedLinville.
“New this year will be the 20 inter-
national Rotary exchange students
who will be joining us from all over
the world for their first time at the
event. Each student will spend the
coming school year with a Rotary
sponsor family from our district, and
is sure to bring his or her own distinc-
tive flavor to this quintessentially All-
Americanbarbecue,” she said.
What hasn't changed is the ever-
popular menu: a barbequed half
chicken, sweet native corn on the cob,
chips, cookie and cold beverage, all
boxed up to take home or enjoy at one
of the long, family-style tables in
Kellogg Park. In addition, boxed din-
ners can be picked up at a special
drive-through window set up at West
Middle School, at the corner of
SheldonRoad andAnnArbor Trail.
Another thing that has never var-
ied over the years is the amount of
time, energy and good, old-fashioned
elbow grease that Rotary Club mem-
bers put into the event, Linville said.
From Saturday evening until Sunday
morning at 11 sharp, when the bar-
beque pits open for business, the
steady hum of activity pervades the
Gathering at Kellogg Park-older, more
experienced Rotarians helping and
instructing the newer members, and
everyone enthusiastically pitching in.
“What our members accomplish in
a very short space of time, year after
year without fail, is enough to boggle
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Kay Linville