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The taste of the town
Plymouth restaurants have made city a destination
The Fall Festival brings thousands of people to the streets of downtown Plymouth every year…many to enjoy the famous
Rotary Chicken Barbeque, the Kiwanis Pancakes, the Civitans Taste Fest…but bringing diners back to the community all
year are thewonderful andunique restaurants of the community.
Now famous as a dining destination, Plymouth offers a wide variety of types and styles of food, fromAmerican to ethnic,
but all share the dining excellence that hasmade the town, and the individual restaurants, famous.
Wonderful food, whether served in a updated classic Italian bistro or in one of the historic settings that make Plymouth
distinct, brings diners back again and again to enjoy the constantly changing yet always wonderful recipes local chefs are
known for.
Welcome toPlymouthwhere themost current culinary creationsmeet a richand colorful history.
E.G. Nick's
500 Forest St.,
(734) 414-6400
If there is a flurry of activity and always something
going on, whether on the patio or in a tent in the huge
back parking lot, the place to be in Plymouth is E.G.
The indoor-outdoor patio on Forest Street offers din-
ers a place to enjoy a meal without the noise and dust
from heavy traffic. The patio is a favorite of regulars
who know that there are usually specials, chalked in on
the blackboard next to the door. Every week-day now,
the restaurant has a special offer, sometimes a sandwich
or appetizer, or half-off the price of home-made pizza.
And every Saturday night, E.G. Nick's chefs offer
their signature specials which bring crowds from
throughout the area to enjoy the American cooking,
with a twist. The Chicken Christopher and the Prime
Rib have proven very popular as has the fresh fish
The restaurant is also known for the fresh fish on the
menu, prepared in a variety of ways. They serve steaks
along with their award-winning baby back ribs that real-
ly do fall right off the bone. The planked whitefish has
been named the best in the state by food critics, with
good reason. It is seasoned to perfection and always
moist and flavorful. Meals range from$8 to $20 or so and
are served in a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere,
and the SaturdayNight Specials include reduced prices
on several wines to accompany themeals.
And after the dinner hour, E.G. Nick's is the place to
be seen in Plymouth---the longest bar in Plymouth, own-
ers TonyBelli andFrankAgostini claim.
Again this year, as has become a tradition, the Party
Lot will be in the back parking lot off Harvey Street and
have live entertainment on both Friday and Saturday
nights of theFall Festival.
Hermann'sOld TownGrille
195West Liberty St.
(734) 451-1213
For a real taste of Plymouth, Hermann's simply cannot be
missed. From the long bar of regulars to the back room
where crowds gather, this is the place for friendly banter
andwonderful food.
The tavern, located inPlymouthOldTown serves amenu
full of specialty burgers, fresh salads, oven-baked pizza and