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And the Distinguished
winners young women
are… are being sought
Shelby Lepper of Canton
Township was the winner of a Distinguished young women school and/or community activi-
$5,000 shopping spree at in the Wayne-Westland area can ties along with being outstanding
Westland Shopping Center last Shelby Lepper, center, is all smiles as Westland Mayor William register now for the annual event academically, in leadership, ath-
week as part of the city Shop Wild, left, and Jay Towners of WNIC, right, congratulate her for which will take place in March. letics or the arts.
and Dine campaign. winning the Shop and Dine $5000 shopping spree at Westland Organizers of the Distinguished Young Women
Mayor William R. Wild Shopping Center Dec. 15. Distinguished Young Woman of of Wayne Westland is part of a
introduced Jay Towers of Wayne Westland program have national program which awards
WNIC Jay Towers in the scheduled a program orientation scholarships for young women's
Morning who announced meeting for 7 p.m. Jan. 28 at achievements.
Lepper's name and awarded 37955 Glenwood in Wayne. Organizers said participation
her the grand prize in the cam- Any high school junior girl in the program helps women
paign designed to promote who attends a Wayne or make new friendships, learn life
local Westland businesses. Westland high school can regis- skills like interviewing and pub-
This was the fifth year for ter to participate in the program lic speaking and help pay college
the Shop and Dine effort which at and tuition.
included billboards, TV, radio click on apply now. There is no For more information, visit
and newspaper advertising to entry fee to enter and the pro- wayne-westland
promote Westland as the place gram has $1 billion nationally in
to find "everything you need." scholarships available. The program is being organ-
The four winners were To qualify, a girl must be in the ized by co-directors Jodi Berry
drawn at random and each class of 2020 and involved in and Lauren Reed.
received a gift-wrapped pack- Jon Dubois, right, who won a Stephanie McElfesh who won
age which they opened to $100 Visa gift card shares a a $1,000 JCPenney shopping Parents’ night is planned
reveal which prize they had moment with Mayor William spree during the Shop and
won. Wild. Dine event smiles with Mayor Parents with students enter- Auditorium. Topics covered
Other prizes were awarded William Wild. ing Wayne Memorial High will include: scheduling, gradu-
to Jon Dubois and Kim School for the 2019 year can ation requirements, testing out
Maraulo who each won a $100 learn more about the school requirements, direct college
Visa gift card and Stephanie during a meeting set in courses, Advanced Placement
McElfesh who won a $1,000 February. courses, extra-curricular activi-
JCPenney shopping spree. The meeting is designed for ties, and others.
Wild also thanked both the parents and students transition- The meeting is open to the
police and fire departments in ing to 9th grade or those inter- public and questions are
the city who participated in toy ested in more information encouraged.
drives including the Shop with about transferring to Wayne Parking is available in the
a Hero event. "The Westland Memorial High School for the Glenwood Street parking lot
community including our local 2019-2020 year. and guests should enter
businesses and civic groups do Students do not have to be through the front of the audito-
a wonderful job of giving back currently attending a Wayne- rium.
to our residents, especially Westland Community School to Any additional questions
during the holiday season," he Kim Maraulo, who won a $100 Visa gift card, thanks Mayor attend the meeting set for 6 p.m. should be directed to the
said. William Wild. Feb. 5 at the Wayne Memorial Counseling Department at (734)
High School Stockmeyer 419-2215.