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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                        December 22, 2022

                                                     NORTHVILLE - WAYNE
                                                     NORTHVILLE - WAYNE

        Wayne Police Department seeking accreditation

           The     Wayne      Police   actions meet accepted best prac-                                                            tioners from similar Michigan
        Department is seeking accredita-  tices for law enforcement.                             ”                                 law enforcement agencies.
        tion from the Michigan         Accreditation should be a signifi-        Accreditation should be a significant                The assessors review written
        Association of Chiefs of Police, a  cant source of pride for the                source of pride for the                    materials, interview agency
        prestigious designation currently  Wayne Police Department and                                                             members, and visit offices and
        held by only about 50 percent of  the community”, Strong said.                Wayne Police Department                      other places where compliance
        police departments in the state.  As part of this final on-site                   and the community.                       with the standards can be
           A team of assessors from the  assessment, employees and                                                                 observed.
        Michigan Association of Chiefs of  members of the general public                                                             Once the assessors complete
        Police (MACP) which certifies  were invited to provide com-                                                                their review of the agency, they
        the accreditation visited the city  ments to the assessment team. A  comply with the standards for  ited status. “Accreditation results  will report to the full commis-
        earlier this month. The investiga-  copy of the standards of service  accreditation can email the  in greater accountability within  sion, which will then decide if
        tors examined all aspects of the  required to secure accreditation  accreditation program manager  the agency, reduced risk and lia-  the agency is to be granted
        Wayne Police Department poli-  is available for inspection at the  at  nrossow@michiganpo-  bility exposure, stronger defense  accredited status, according to an
        cies and procedures, manage-   Wayne Police Department or write the   against civil lawsuits, increased  official from MACP.
        ment, operations, and support  at33701 E Michigan Ave. Wayne.  Michigan Law Enforcement     community advocacy, and more     Accreditation is valid for a
        services, explained Wayne Chief  MI 48184. Contact Lieutenant  Accreditation Commission at  confidence in the agency's ability  three-year period during which
        of Police Ryan Strong.         Robert Amore at (734) 721-1414  3474 Alaiedon Pkwy, Suite 600,  to operate efficiently and  time the agency must submit
           “Accreditation through the  x1527 for additional information.   Okemos, MI 48864.        respond to community needs,”   annual reports attesting to their
        Michigan Association of Chiefs of  Anyone wishing to offer writ-  The    Wayne      Police  Strong said.                   continued compliance with those
        Police ensures that the Wayne  ten comments about the ability of  Department must comply with  The assessment team com-    standards under which it was ini-
        Police Department's policies and  the Wayne Police Department  to  105 standards to achieve accred-  prises law enforcement practi-  tially accredited.

                                                                                     Art House exhibits printmaking

                                                                                       The Northville Art House will pres-  ment.
                                                                                     ent First Impressions: A Collaboration   “We encourage and sometimes goad
                                                                                     of Artists from Jan. 7 - Feb. 4. This exhi-  each other to push outside the comfort-
                                                                                     bition features the printmaking artwork  able and familiar. Working in tandem
                                                                                     of Michigan artists Rosemary Lee of   sparks ideas and directions that we
                                                                                     Howell and Celeste Roe of Livonia. The  would not necessarily achieve when
                                                                                     artists have been working together for  working alone,” explained Lee.
                                                                                     more than two decades. Their experi-     An artists' reception is planned from
                                                                                     ences as friends and printmakers have  5-7 p.m. Jan. 14 at the Northville Art
                                                                                     brought them many productive achieve-  House, 215 W. Cady St, Northville. It is
                                                                                     ments. In addition to the work, they  free and open to the public. For more
                                                                                     have formed social bonds that have    information on the exhibition visit
                                                                                     proven especially enriching in the past or follow
                                                                                     few years, they said in a prepared state-  @Northville Art House on social media.

           Welcome to Northville

           Members of the Northville Township Police Department welcomed new officer
           Andrew Prieskorn to the force last week. Prieskorn was born and raised in
           Westland and is a graduate of Wayne Memorial High School.  Prieskorn first
           joined the Dallas Police Department, where he worked for a year and later joined
           the City of Burleson Police Department where he was promoted to the rank of
           sergeant and served as a member of the SWAT team and bike unit. He was also
           a Field Training Officer and an SFST instructor. He and his wife, Jennifer, above,
           returned to Michigan to be closer to family and raise their 14-year-old and 11-
           year-old daughters and 6-year-old son.  Prieskorn was welcomed by Police Chief
           Scott Hilden, at right, and Township Clerk Roger Lundberg.

                                       Sumpter Township
                                  NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING
          The Sumpter Township Parks and Recreation Committee is seeking public input regarding the Sumpter Township 2023 Parks and
          Recreation Master Plan. The hearing will take place on January 24, 2023 meeting at 6:00 p.m. as part of the planned Board of
          Trustees workshop at the Township Offices, 23480 Sumpter Road, Belleville, MI 48111.
          A draft copy of the plan has been available for review since December 24, 2022 and will remain available through the date of the
          hearing. The plan can be viewed at the following locations:
            •  Township Offices, 23480 Sumpter Rd, Belleville, Michigan 48111
            •  Sumpter Township Senior Center, 23501 Sumpter Rd, Belleville, Michigan 48111
            •  The draft plan is also available online on the Township's website at , or can be directly accessed
              at .
            •  For questions or comments, please contact Anthony Burdick, Township Manager, at (734) 461-6201, extension 2230.
          For those unable to attend the Public Hearing, written comments may be submitted to the Township Clerk's Office prior to the
          hearing date.
          Esther Hurst
          Clerk                                                                                                      SYNOPSIS
          Sumpter Township                                                                                      REGULAR MEETING
                                                                                                       CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE
          Published:  December 22, 2022
          Posted:  December 19, 2022                                   ST0131 - 122222  2.5 x 2.952            BOARD OF TRUSTEES
                                                                                      DATE:         Thursday, December 15, 2022
                                                                                      TIME:         7:00 p.m.
                                CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON                            PLACE:        44405 Six Mile Road
                              ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS AGENDA                          CALL TO ORDER:       Supervisor Abbo called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
                                       January 12, 2023
                                                                                      PRESENT:             Mark Abbo, Supervisor   Scott Frush, Trustee
         Notice is hereby given that there will be a meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals THURSDAY,      Roger Lundberg, Clerk   Mindy Herrmann, Trustee
         January 12, 2023 at 7:00 PM. The meeting will be held in the Board Room at the Township Administration Building located at  Jason Rhines, Treasurer   Cynthia Jankowski, Trustee
         1150 S. Canton Center Road, Canton, MI 48188.                                                                           Christopher Roosen, Trustee
         7:00 P.M.
                                                                                      PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:
         Call to Order                                                                1. Agendas:
                                                                                         A.   Regular Agenda and the Consent Agenda items – Approved
         Pledge of Allegiance
                                                                                      2.  Appointments, Presentations, Resolutions & Announcements:
         Roll Call: Clarence Lee, Greg Greene, Alan Okon, Mark Quimby, Aaron Tassell     A.   Northville High School Boys Cross Country Team – Approved
         Alternate: Gregory Demopoulos, Tareq Rahman                                     B.   Essential Services Complex Presentation – Approved
                                                                                         C.   Northville Youth Network Reappointment – Amy Knoth – Approved
         Approval of Agenda                                                              D.  Northville Youth Network Appointment – Danielle Pine – Approved
         January 12, 2023
                                                                                         E.   Landfill Working Committee Report – Presented
         Nominate Chairperson and Vice Chairperson                                    3. Public Hearing: None
                                                                                      4.  Brief Public Comments: Three members of the audience had questions or comments for the
         Approval of Minutes:                                                            Board of Trustees.
         December 8, 2022
                                                                                      5. New Business:
         General Calendar:                                                               B.   Public Safety – Police – Vehicle Purchase – Approved
                                                                                         C.   Public Safety – Fire – Replace Ford Expedition – Approved
            1. Application 009-ZBA-7635.  Applicant, Bruce Mattarella, for property located at 44075 Candlewood Dr, which is locat-  D.   Public Services – Ward Church HPUD Amendment #7 – Approved
              ed on the south side of Candlewood Dr. between Elmhurst St. and Warfield St. (Parcel ID 71-009-02-0241-000), Zoning
              is R-4 Single Family Residential.  Requesting a variance from Section 78-131(4)(a) of the Zoning Ordinance, to allow  E.   Public Services – Vehicle Purchase – Approved
              a 6-foot high fence to go farther forward than the rear building line and into the side yard.  F.   Public Services – Legacy Park Demolition Change Order – Approved
                                                                                         G.   Parks & Recreation – Unity Skatepark Sign – Approved
            2. Application 141-ZBA-7636.  Applicant, Jeff Gossett, for property located at 39571 Michigan Avenue, which is located  6. Unfinished Business: None
              on the south side of Michigan Ave. between I-275 and Hannan Rd. (Parcel ID's 71-141-99-0013-000 and 71-141-99-
              0012-000), Zoning LI - Light Industrial.  Requesting a variance from Section 7.02(F) of the Zoning Ordinance, setback  7. Ordinances: None
              of storage tanks for flammable liquid material (fuel tanks) above ground.  8. Check Registry:
                                                                                         A.   In the amount of $4,800,761.62 for the period of November 5, 2022 to December 2,
            3. Application 134-ZBA-7638.  Applicant, Murray Powelson Jr., for property located at 4640 S. Sheldon Rd, which is  2022. – Approved
              located on the west side of S. Sheldon Rd. between Michigan Ave and Van Born Rd. (Parcel ID 71-134-99-0006-000),
              Zoning R-5 Single Family Residential.  Requesting a variance from Section 2.03(D)(1) of the Zoning Ordinance, floor  CLOSED SESSION: As permitted under the Michigan Open Meetings Act (PA 267) of 1976 or
              area of accessory structure.                                            MCL 15.268, Section 8 (C) for strategy and negotiation sessions connected with the negotiation of
                                                                                      a collective bargaining agreement if either negotiating party requests a closed hearing. – Approved
            4. Review Proposed Bylaws
                                                                                         A.   Human Resources – Union Negotiation Closed Session – Approved
          Written comments need to be submitted prior to 4:00 PM on the date of the hearing.  All written comments must be sent to the  9.  Board Communication & Reports:
             Charter Township of Canton. Clerk's Office, 1150 S. Canton Center Rd., Canton, MI  48188, Phone 734-394-5120.  A.   Mark Abbo, Roger Lundberg, Jason Rhines, Scott Frush, Mindy Herrmann, Cynthia
                                                                                             Jankowski, Christopher Roosen, Todd Mutchler
                                  CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON                          10. Any other business for the Board of Trustees: None
                                   ACCESS TO PUBLIC MEETINGS
                                                                                      11.ADJOURN: Meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m.
                In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals with disabilities who require special   A draft of the meeting minutes will be available on December 29, 2022.
                 accommodations, auxiliary aids or services to attend participate at the meeting/hearing should contact   Respectfully submitted:
                                Human Resources Manager, at 734-394-5260.
                           Reasonable accommodations can be made with advance notice.   Mark Abbo, Supervisor
                   A complete copy of the Access to Public Meetings Policy is available at  Roger Lundberg, Clerk             NT0206 - 122222  2.5 x 7.335
                                                                         CN2464 - 122222  2.5 x 6.325
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