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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                        December 21, 2023


        Major upgrades planned at Canton Sports Center

           Canton Sports Center, a popular sports  include a dining area makeover to
        destination for local softball/baseball  Kicker's Bar & Grill - a full-service restau-
        leagues and national tournaments in the  rant located in the facility.  Improvements
        Metro Detroit area, is set to undergo sev-  include an updated look with a new paint
        eral significant renovations in early 2024.  color scheme and booth cushion replace-
           The facility, located in Victory Park in  ments.
        Canton Township, will be upgraded in     “All of these projects will deliver supe-
        2024 with a new state-of-the-art LED light-  rior improvements to our premier facility,
        ing system, that will improve on-field  which hosts over 2,500 league and tourney
        lighting and visibility in the 12 softball  teams from April to October each year,”
        fields, as well as reduce energy consump-  said Abe Vinitski, Canton Park & Sports
        tion and enhance the overall experience  supervisor.  “Every year, we draw local
        for players and spectators, officials said.  youth and senior participants along with
        This project, which is currently in    national elite players to Canton as their
        progress, is scheduled to be completed in  destination for baseball, softball, cricket,
        April 2024 by the opening day of the 2024  lacrosse, and flag football. These dramatic
        spring season.                         improvements will help secure our rank-
           A majority of the concrete sidewalks  ing as one of the best sports facilities in  Canton Township elected officials celebrate the official groundbreaking to mark the
        surrounding the facility have already  Michigan.”                            commencement of renovation at the Canton Sports Center. Canton Township Clerk
        been replaced, officials noted.  Plans   The Canton Sports Center, located at  Michael Siegrist, Canton Township Trustee Steven Sneideman, Canton Township
        include the replacement of all sidewalks  46555 W. Michigan Ave., annually plays  Treasurer Dian Slavens, Canton Trustee Kate Borninski, and township Supervisor Anne
                                                                                     Marie Graham-Hudak dig in to begin the upcoming project.
        leading to the 12 softball fields in October  host to several national tournaments that
        2024.                                  produce a significant economic impact to  million in revenue for area businesses,  tion about the Canton Sports Center, visit
           Recently completed renovations      the area, at times generating more than $1  Vinitski added. For additional informa-, or call (734) 483-5600.
        Summit Aquatic Center reopens following major renovations

           While a grand re-opening of  bers and guests will now be able  for the reopening of the remain-  noted.                 patience as we complete this
        the Summit Aquatic Center is   to access only the lap pool from 6  ing amenities today with open  The official reopening set for  important project,” stated Jason
        planned for Jan. 5, the five-lane  a.m. until 8:30 p.m. Monday  swim times available from 6 until  5:30 p.m. Jan. 5 will take place in  Lombardo, Summit facility
        pool was quietly opened for lap  through Friday and from 7 a.m.  8 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday  the Aquatic Center. Summit   supervisor.  “This construction
        swimming as the $2.4 million in  until 7:30 p.m. Saturday and  and from 1 until 4 p.m. Saturday  members and Canton residents  project is so important for the
        renovations to the facility are  Sunday.                      and Sunday. During the        will also be able to enjoy an open  long-term life of the pool and will
        completed.                       Additional renovations are   Plymouth-Canton Community     swim after the ceremony from 6-  ensure that our Aquatic Center is
           The construction project    still under way that will require  Schools winter break from Dec.  8 p.m.                   enjoyed for years to come.”
        included tile replacement in all  the Aquatic Center hallway to  23 through Jan. 6, additional  Although there is no fee to  The 13,340 square-foot
        pools, including the lap pool and  remain closed, as well as the spa,  open swim times will be avail-  attend the open swim, pre-regis-  Aquatic Center at the Summit on
        family pool, as well as on the pool  sauna, and steam room. In addi-  able from 12:30 until 3:30 p.m.  tration is required. Online regis-  the Park features a five-lane, 25-
        decks, officials said. Tile was also  tion, the large pool stairs will not  Wednesdays and Fridays.  All  tration for this special open swim  yard lap pool, zero-depth leisure
        replaced in the spa and sauna, as  be accessible; however, the chair-  swim lessons will also resume on  session is currently available,  pool with play features, lazy river,
        well as in the men's, women's,  lift for ADA access will be avail-  Jan. 7, with limited registration  although spots are limited, at  and slide, as well as a steam
        family, and inclusive locker   able. In addition, the men's and  currently available at www.sum- with  room and sauna.  To learn more
        rooms.  Further enhancements   women's locker rooms will be  Concluding  Code: AQ3510, officials said.  about the Summit on the Park
        include the addition of a colorful  accessible and the family locker  construction projects may  “Summit staff are eager to  Aquatic Center renovations, as
        6-foot tall Gum Drop water fea-  room should open today, Dec. 21.   restrict public access to some  welcome back the community to  well as available memberships,
        ture, as well as the painting of the  As renovations are finalized,  Aquatic Center areas as renova-  our newly renovated Aquatic  visit
        pool deck roof.  Summit mem-   Aquatic Center officials planned  tions are finalized, officials  Center and thank them for their  or call (734) 394-5460.

           Warm wishes

           The Canton Township Police Department winter clothing drive collected a van
           stuffed with cold weather wear. The donations were recently collected at the
           Canton Meijer and officers said the generous donations would provide the gift of
           warmth for many children and families during the winter. Canton officers distrib-
           uted the donated items at Open Door Ministries last week during the weekly food
           distribution. More than 460 families were served as part of the effort. Officers
           posted a note of thanks on social media to all those who contributed to the effort.
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