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Shop With A Cop
Inkster program helps 12 local families celebrate Christmas holiday
This year, the annual Shop With A Cop program in Inkster took place Dec. 11 as officers loaded up 38 local children for a holiday shopping trip to Meijer where they carefully
chose Christmas gifts for members of their family. This year, the annual effort, funded completely by donations and help from local businesses, was the largest ever, helping 12
Inkster families. Following the shopping trip, the youngsters were treated to pizza by officers as a special reward for their careful shopping.
Long-time police officer mourned
Members of the Wayne Police as a Wayne
Department and the community mourned police officer
the death last week of retired Wayne from August
Police Ofc. Daniel Sanford. Sanford 1974 to
served the City of Wayne Police December
Department from 1974 to 2000. 2000. He then
Wayne Police Chief Ryan Strong said worked at the
Sanford was an officer he respected and 34th District
admired. Court in
“Officer Sanford was one of the first Romulus as a
officers I met when I started at the Wayne court officer from 2002 to 2021.
Police Department. Officer Sanford treat- Mr. Sanford and his wife, Beth, were
Welcome to Wayne ed me and everyone else with respect. He married for 29 years and were the parents
of three children.
was a good man and will be greatly
Members of the Wayne City Council officially welcomed new police officers missed,” Strong said. An outdoorsman, Mr. Sanford enjoyed
Andrew Marra and James Serman to the department during a regular meeting Mr. Sanford, 68, of Westland died Dec. being up North and hiking and fishing.
earlier this month. The two new officers were officially sworn into office and 1, in Ypsilanti. Mr. Sanford, who was born In addition to his wife, Mr. Sanford is
received a warm welcome from officials and Police Chief Ryan Strong, who intro- Dec. 2, 1952, grew up in Wayne and attend- survived by his daughters, Lisa (Pawel)
duced them to the council members. The department was operating with 21 ed Wayne Memorial High School where Cichowlas, Lauren (Octavian) Borowicz;
sworn officers, 10 police service aides and six support staff, according to the he graduated in 1971. During his high his son, Jason (Katie Anderson)
website. Ryan said the department approach to police work could be summed school years, he worked at Greenfield McDermott; his mother, Louise Sanford;
up in one word, proactive. “Our department strives to be a dynamic organization Village in Dearborn. After high school, he two granddaughters, Shelley Cichowlas
that is devoted to making our city a safe place. The officers at the Wayne Police went on to take some college courses at and Ariana Borowicz; two grandsons,
Department actively pursue crime, enforce traffic laws and address quality of life Eastern Michigan University and in 1974, Peter Cichowlas and Jack Borowicz; a
issues,” his statement noted.
entered the police academy where he brother, Ron (Helene) Sanford, and a sis-
graduated in the winter of 1975. He served ter, Kathy (Doug) Huesdash.