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Wayne County Lightfest display opens for season
Nearly a quarter of a million cars are
expected to tour the Wayne County
Lightfest which opened yesterday.
For the 27th year, workers from the
Wayne County Parks Division worked for
about eight weeks installing the nearly 5-
mile long lighted holiday display which
decorates Hines Park.
The annual display was set to open
yesterday and even more visitors than
usual are expected as the in-person holi-
day options will be limited due to the
coronavirus pandemic.
The Lightfest, originally called the
“Festival of Lights” when it was begun in
1993, has become an attraction bringing
even out-of-state visitors to view one of
the largest light displays in the Midwest.
The display covers an area from
Merriman Road in Westland to Warren
Road in Dearborn Heights and features
animated and lighted displays. Many
come from Bronner's Christmas store
while others are ordered directly from Valley Golf Course. The displays are vehicle and can be purchased at 7651 between Ann Arbor Trail and Warren
manufacturers across the country and updated annually and features are usual- Merriman Road, the route starting point. Avenue in Westland, 2 1/2 miles south of
even China. One section, Land Before ly retired after about two years, accord- The display is closed Christmas day. The I-96.
Christmas, features moving dinosaurs ing to a parks department official. most popular weekend for the attraction The Lightfest ends in Dearborn
and there are toy soldiers, leaping frogs, Lightfest was set to open yesterday is always the weekend before Christmas, Heights at the Warrendale Recreation
an abominable snowman, a marching and will remain open from 7-10 p.m. officials said. The entrance to Lightfest is Area where the Santa Shelter is located,
band, Santa delivering gifts and a golfer Wednesday through Friday and 6-10 p.m. at Merriman Hollow Park, 7651 N. although that feature will not be avail-
scoring a hole-in-one at the Warren Saturday and Sunday. Tickets cost $5 per Merriman Road, which is on Merriman able this year.
Thomas der. He doesn't go after cattle rustlers,” Inkster City Hall is closed
Thomas said.
“He is a split character and there is a
FROM PAGE 1 generous side to him, too. He could be All city offices in Inkster have been
the nicest guy you could meet if you're closed and will reopen when the latest
exceptionally popular nation-wide and not a bad guy.” orders have been lifted by the Michigan
have a huge following, Thomas said. Thomas said his character constantly Department of Health.
“These guys use specialized holsters, wanders through the country going from City Clerk Felicia Rutledge posted the
specialized weapons, and wax bullets to place to place searching for wanted officials notice last week notifying resi-
shoot at 15-foot targets. They can shoot men, allowing for the introduction of dents of the closure "in response to the
out two balloons in ¼ of 1 second,” he other characters and new plot lines. rise in COVID-19 cases and per Gov.
said. Thomas had a specialty gun like “He's an easy character for me to Gretchen Whitmer and the Michigan
the futuristic one wielded by his hero write,” Thomas said, noting that he has Department of Health and Human
built for himself, perfectly balanced only occasionally been stuck on a plot Services order."
with a steel barrel inside and aluminum development and then only for a few Inkster residents are encouraged to use
on the exterior. He said he has always hours. the outside drop box for water or tax pay-
been interested in the Western genre, “The 1870s, 1880s, 1890s were a ments and can continue to mail in any
and watched cowboy movies and read strange time. Guys had come from the payments due the city. Information is post-
Western-themed books growing up. Civil War and many of them just didn't ed on the city website,
“I tried to invent a different charac- stop shooting,” Thomas said. “It was a at all times, the notice stated.
ter,” he said. “There is a lot more action time of the law of the gun, if you didn't When the order is lifted and city offices The police and fire and first respon-
in these books because that's what I like fight back, you ended up shot dead. It reopen, all visitors to city hall will be ders in the city will remain on duty to pro-
to write.” was a crazy time of life.” required to wear a mask and the number tect the public, but will also be wearing
He described his hero as having no The entire 100-book Jess Williams of individuals allowed in the city buildings masks and attempting social distancing
compunction about killing a killer. series is available on Amazon Kindle will be limited. The city will also be prac- whenever possible.
“He only hunts those who are wanted and fans can expect number 101 in, no ticing social distancing measures and Inkster City Hall is located at 26215
dead or alive and are wanted for mur- surprise, just about a month. maintain 6-feet of space between people Trowbridge, Inkster.