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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                        November 16, 2023

                                                      BELLEVILLE - WAYNE
                                                      BELLEVILLE - WAYNE

        Iron Belle Trail section opened in Van Buren

           A section of the Iron Belle  Van Buren Township from the
        Trail, which is expected to trav-  Lower Huron Metro Park Trail
        el from Belle Isle to Ironwood  to the B2B Trail near Grove
        in the Upper Peninsula official-  Street. Section B of the Van
        ly opened in Van Buren         Buren Township segment of the
        Township last month. The Van   Iron Belle Trail runs from
        Buren Township non-motorized   Rawsonville Road along I-94
        pathway project will close a 7.0  Service Drive and through Van
        mile gap in the Iron Belle State  Buren Park.
        trail. The path will connect the  “The township has gained
        B2B Trail system (55 miles) in  momentum on constructing the
        Washtenaw County with the      Iron Belle Trail within our com-
        HCMA trail system (30+ miles)  munity over the past few years,
        that begins in the Lower Huron  and we are proud that our gap
        Metropark and extends south-   is steadily, but consistently
        east to Lake Erie.  More than 80  growing smaller. This project
        percent of the completed dis-  would not have been possible
        tance will follow the Huron    without the generous donations
        River Greenway while the over-  from the Ralph C. Wilson Jr.
        all trail will connect dozens of  Foundation   and     DTE    Van Buren Township and state officials, along with members of the community, celebrate the opening of
                                                                      the Iron Belle Trail section in the township. The non-motorized recreational pathway connects 48
        existing parks, schools, central  Foundation, in addition to the  Michigan counties.
        business districts and neighbor-  invaluable partnerships with
        hoods, according to state offi-  the Michigan Trails Fund and  believes that a healthy environ-  Trail is a perfect example of  habitats andspecies, and this
        cials.                         Huron Waterloo Pathways        ment is an essential ingredient  this local luxury,” said Rodney  support builds on the 100+ year
           The recreational trail will  Initiative,” stated Director of  for thriving communities.  Cole, DTE Foundation presi-    partnership between DTE and
        travel through hundreds of     Community Services Elizabeth   Michigan offers a variety of  dent.                          Van Buren Township, which
        municipalities and cross into 48  Renaud at the grand opening of  trails and greenspaces that con-  “We're committed to preserv-  has created countless, invalu-
        different Michigan counties. A  the Van Buren segment.        nect us to the natural beauty  ing, protecting and improving  able recreational opportunities
        portion of the trail runs through  “The DTE Foundation        around us, and the Iron Belle  Michigan's treasured natural  for local residents and visitors.”


                                                                                     Wayne Police Sgt. Chad
                                                                                     Colwell recently graduated
                                                                                     from the Michigan Police
                                                                                     Executive    Development
                                                                                     Seminar. The seminar is a
                                                                                     week-long course targeted
                                                                                     toward current or future law
                                                                                     enforcement executives. The
                                                                                     course focuses on leader-
                                                                                     ship, critical incident manage-
                                                                                     ment, modern supervision
           Safety steps                                                              techniques, and other man-
                                                                                     agement skills. The Federal
           Sumpter Township Police Sgt. Beth Egerer visited Keystone Academy recently  Bureau of Investigation
                                                                                     National Academy Associates
           to talk to students as part of Public Safety Week. Egerer talked to the students  - Michigan Chapter sponsors
           about safety measures they could employ and spoke to children from the    the training annually and
           Young 5s, another class of kindergarteners and the first-grade students. Egerer  executives presented Colwell
           talked to 200 students about respect for each other, bullying and explained  with his certificate of comple-
           some of the equipment police officers carry.                              tion.
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