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Van Buren man is charged with killing wife
A Van Buren Township man Belinda Oneal, 62. The couple shot her. Police reports indicate floor of the home. She died Township police were dis-
has been charged with murder lived in the 7000 block of Fay that Oneal left the Fay Drive from a single gunshot wound, patched to the Berrien County
in the death of his wife last Drive in the township. home in his personal vehicle according to Worthy's office. jail and transported the defen-
week. It is alleged that at approxi- shortly after the incident. Police At approximately 3 a.m. the dant back to Van Buren
Wayne County Prosecutor mately 1 a.m. Nov. 5, Oneal and arrived at the scene at about same day, Oneal was stopped by Township.
Kym Worthy has charged his wife had a verbal argument 1:30 a.m. and officers discov- police officers on I-94 in The defendant has been
Terrance Oneal, 63, in connec- in their home which escalated ered the lifeless body of Berrien County and placed charged with second degree
tion with the homicide of into violence when he fatally Belinda Oneal on the second under arrest. Van Buren murder and felony firearm.
Helping hands
Volunteers help rebuild
local place of worship
Volunteers from across the country rium to display video content that will ben-
descended on Belleville this year to help efit the deaf community.
with a face lift at the Belleville Assembly “This is a big deal for hundreds of deaf
Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses. Witnesses and many of our neighbors
Hundreds of volunteers traveled to the throughout the Midwest and Atlantic
area and volunteered their time and skills regions who attend our religious services Volunteers from across the country visited Belleville this summer to help renovate the
to renovate the large property on Ecorse here,” said Shelby Oliver, one of the con- Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's witnesses.
Road. Construction began in September struction volunteers. Oliver and her hus- plished by non-paid volunteers. For sever- goodbye.”
and is expected to be completed this win- band, Blake, learned American Sign al years, the Olivers have volunteered their While Metro Detroit had not been at the
ter. The building is a center for large reli- Language to help deaf individuals under- time and skills on many construction proj- top of their travel destination list, the
gious gatherings of Jehovah's Witnesses stand the Bible. “To work on a project that ects around the country but feel that this Olivers said they will definitely return.
throughout the year and offers services in will have such a powerful impact in the project was particularly special. “The restaurants are absolutely amaz-
other languages, including American Sign deaf community is something we had to be “We built lasting friendships with our ing. We've had everything from Vietnamese
Language. part of,” Blake Oliver said. co-workers,” said Blake Oliver. “We were to Lebanese food, and our host family has
A notable feature of the renovation is The majority of the construction proj- all strangers when we first arrived, but shown us a great time here in Belleville.
the addition of large screens in the audito- ects of Jehovah's Witnesses are accom- when it's over, we'll be crying as we say We look forward to coming back!”
Goodfellows continue annual holiday fundraising efforts
After another successful Goodfellows The group hosts fundraisers and events Romulus. There are a lot of people behind downtown Romulus; from there partici-
tea, the Romulus Goodfellows are in full throughout the fall to support their annual the scenes that give a lot of time in a lot of pants will trot over to Walter's Bar, begin-
swing, preparing for their annual holiday campaign. Last year, the Goodfellows pro- different ways. Some are public and some ning at 5:30 p.m. Parking is available at
campaign to ensure No Child Without A vided gift cards for food and toys to 130 are private, but they give because they both locations and a shuttle available
Christmas. families in Romulus, bringing Christmas have a big heart and we can't forget that.” between the two. Registration is available
Organized by Julie Allison, the tea cheer to 313 children. The Goodfellows The next opportunity to support the at the city web site and Facebook page.
brought as many as 200 people together to also supplied food gift cards to 168 senior Romulus Goodfellows is the annual “A lot of good things are going on. If
support the annual cause, which raised citizens. Gobble Wobble Turkey Trot, which takes you're a part of it in a small way or a big
more than $22,000 last year. “We have a lot of people in the city that place from 4-6 p.m. on Nov. 22. The event way, we just thank you,” said Burcroff. “It's
“It was a really great event,” said have very big hearts that work at screen- gets under way with registration at warm about families and kids. That's why this
Councilwoman Tina Talley, “There was a ing the Goodfellows applicants and raising up at 5 p.m. at the Artisan Reserve in time of year is so significant.”
lot of fellowship and a lot of bonding. I the right things for the right people to
want to shout out to everyone who was make it special,” said Romulus Mayor
involved with it.” Leroy Burcroff. “That's what I love about
Romulus seeks Person of the Year
The Greater Romulus Chamber of Nomination forms are available on the
Commerce is now accepting nominations chamber website and should include the
for the 35th Person of the Year award. contributions the nominee has made to
Each year, the award is presented to a the City of Romulus and can be made by
person who has made outstanding non- anyone.
monetary contributions to the community. The chamber office is located at 11189
Nominations will be accepted at the Shook Road, Suite 200 in Romulus, 28134.
chamber office until 4 p.m. on Friday, Dec. For more information, call (734) 893-
20 and will be kept in strictest confidence, 0694 or visit admin127@romuluscham-
according to a spokesman.