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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                        November 12, 2020

                                          SUMPTER - ROMULUS
                                          SUMPTER - ROMULUS

        Cruelty charges against zoo owner are dismissed

                                          Javon Stacks will have another  two kangaroos, a peacock, an  “Now what I want to focus on is
                                       300 or so mouths to feed this  Arctic fox and a 16-foot, 200-  getting my animals back to my
                                       month.                         pound reticulated python along  zoo safely with me, and start
                                          More than 300 of about 600  with more than 300 hedgehogs.  building my life back together,”
                                       animals seized by Romulus      The kangaroos, placed in the cus-  he reportedly said. He told one
                                       Police in a raid on a storefront  tody of the Detroit Zoo following  local TV channel that he “felt
                                       last August will be returned to  the raid did not survive, along  great” and that he was “God
                                       Stacks after a judge dismissed all  with about 300 of the other seized  blessed.”
                                       charges against him. Stacks was  animals.                       Stacks said he is considering
                                       originally charged with animal   Stacks, 37, has defended him-  filing a legal claim for the value
                                       cruelty, abandonment and neg-  self against the charges consis-  of the animals who died while in
                                       lect of the animals which police  tently, claiming that he provided  custody. He said more than 300
                                       found in the storefront following  educational entertainment at  died after they were seized dur-
                                       an anonymous tip.              schools to teach students about  ing the investigation. He also
                                          Stacks was facing charges   the animals and that he took very  alleges that the tip which sent
                                       when more than 600 animals     good care of them.            Romulus police to the storefront
                                       were found and confiscated by    Stacks said that he simply  was called in by “a jealous guy, he
                                       police, including six Flemish  wanted to get his animals back  wanted me out of business,” he
                                       giant rabbits, three large iguanas,  and begin to rebuild his life.  said.                                   Javon Stacks
        Voters in Sumpter Township choose incumbents for board

           Sumpter Township voters     lot and 2,496 cast on election  candidate Vincent Warren,    nered 2,544 votes.             lowed by incumbent Simone
        elected a new supervisor and   day. There were 33 unresolved  although there was no total vote  Candidate Peggy Morgan, a  Pinter with 977 votes and
        treasurer last week and reelect-  ballots, according to township  count available for Warren at  Democrat, received 2,313 votes  incumbent  Susan    K.
        ed incumbents to the board of  officials.                     press time.                   to win a seat on the board.    Featheringill with 904 votes.
        trustees.                        Esther Hurst, who was unop-    Top vote getter for the board  Democrat Sheena Barnes      Dionne Falconer won the
           Tim Bowman, a Republican,   posed, received a total of 3,193  of trustees was incumbent Tim  received 2,244 votes.      fourth available seat on the
        received a total of 2,709 votes  votes and will serve another  Rush, a Republican, who         Voters also selected mem-   board with 710 votes
        for supervisor while incumbent  term as township clerk.  James  received 3,035 votes. His total  bers of the Van Buren Public  Candidate Terrance C. Goff
        John W. Morgan, a Democrat,    C. Clark, a Democrat, received  was followed by incumbent    School District Board of       received 646 votes.
        received 2,291 votes.          2,813 votes in his bid to become  Matt Oddy, a Democrat, who  Education. Top voter getter was  All four of the new school
           There were 5,033 votes cast,  the new township treasurer.  received 2,457 votes and incum-  incumbent Kelly Owen with   board members live in Van
        with 2,537 cast by absentee bal-  Clark was opposed by write-in  bent Don LaPorte who gar-  1,069 votes. Her total was fol-  Buren Township.
        Suspect is arraigned in murder of Van Buren Township woman

           Michigan State Police said last  felony murder, first-degree home  with her job as a beer distributor  believed that the killing was not a  on information. But the state
        week that an Ohio man has been  invasion, felon in possession of a  account manager.        random act and that Miss       detectives gave us a call that two
        charged in the 2017 death of   firearm and four counts of felony  Her body was discovered June  Covington was known to her  people were arrested.”
        Egypt Covington who was found  firearm in the 34th District Court  23, 2017 by her boyfriend. She  killer or killers. Her family mem-  Miss Covington's father, Chuck
        dead in her Van Buren Township  in Romulus late last week. The  was killed by a single gunshot  bers, however, say they have no  Covington, is reported to have
        home. In an earlier statement,  court denied  bond.           behind her ear and her hands  idea why anyone would have     said he experienced a wave of
        police said that two suspects had  A second suspect in the killing  had been tied with a string of  wanted to do her harm.  emotions when he received the
        been arrested in connection with  was released, according to  Christmas lights. Police said that  Her brother, D'Wayne Turner,  news that arrests had been
        the killing.                   police, who did not provide any  Miss Covington had last been  told local news outlets that he is  made. He reportedly said that
           Police said that Timothy    other information.             seen at a yoga class the day  glad his family is one step closer  the arrests  were a beginning of
        Eugene Moore, 34, of Toledo,     Miss Covington was 27 at the  before her body was discovered.  to justice. “We're definitely going  closure and spoke of his late
        Ohio, was arraigned on one     time of her death and was a pop-  Multiple reports of the investi-  to have a celebration,” he report-  daughter as the kind of person
        count of first degree murder,  ular musician and singer along  gation indicated that detectives  edly said. “We're pretty limited  “who could light up a room.”

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