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Proposed development prompts neighbors’ concerns
Several Plymouth Township Rental units would be priced input from neighbors.”
residents do not want new neigh- at $1,400 to $2,200 a month, devel- ” Martin added that 56 percent
bors in their Ann Arbor Road opers estimated. of the proposed development
enclave. Several residents spoke to the Several residents said the plans proposed would be open space and that
A proposal for a 373-unit commissioners during the public included too many units for the space the heritage trees on the site
development at the site of the hearing on the plan, criticizing would be preserved when possi-
former Elks Lodge was present- the potential density of the plan and would result in serious ble.
ed to the Plymouth Township and the loss of 34-acres of green traffic problems in the area. The property is owned by
Planning Commission members space. Nearby residents ques- Pomeroy Living which pur-
earlier this month by representa- tioned the potential disruption of chased the acreage in 2015 and
tives of Toll Brothers the peaceful environment now the Elks' property in February.
Development and Pomeroy enjoyed and the impact on the residents said the plans pro- to hear their concerns. While the plan initially was to
Living. The proposal included wildlife prevalent in the area. A posed included too many units “We don't operate our busi- build senior housing, that busi-
270 rental apartment units and neighbor said that deer, foxes, for the space and would result in nesses in a vacuum; we under- ness model has changed, accord-
103 owner occupied townhomes owls and other wildlife would be serious traffic problems in the stand we have neighbors,” ing to company President Nick
on the site. In addition, the devel- displaced by the development. area. Martin said. “We understand this Peraino.
opment would include a multi- One resident said the poten- In response to the residents' is a collaborative process. Both Commission members tabled
purpose clubhouse. The property tial for turning Ann Arbor Road concerns, Alex Martin, president companies have been in exis- the issue until the developers
is off Ann Arbor Road just west of into a copy of Ford Road in of Toll Brother' Michigan, said tence for decades, which would- could return with a plan more
Haggerty and near the Waverly Canton which is notorious for that company representatives n't be the case if we simply oper- inclusive of the concerns
Village subdivision. heavy traffic and density. Several met with nearby property owners ated on our own and didn't seek expressed by residents.
Bids for 3 township-owned sites accepted until Dec. 3
Sumpter Township Supervisor Tim ” in favor of slowing the process to allow for
Bowman planned to place “For Sale” more transparency.
signs at three properties yesterday, hoping Anybody interested in the property “We can do the extension of time. We
to find bidders for the sites. need to slow down and be sure we are
The three properties, two sites on is already aware we are putting it up for sale. doing things in the right way,” she said. “If
Arcona and Martinsville roads and a par- This will just make the sale totally transparent. we don't, it is going to burn us later.”
cel located behind the medical center on Trustee Tim Rush, too, was in favor of a
Sumpter Road, have been the subject of longer bid process.
discussion by township officials for sever- “I want to make sure everybody has the
al weeks. opportunity to bid on the property,” he
At a meeting last month, some neigh- take money from savings or retirement insisted that those who intended to bid on said. “We've been talking about this for
boring residents protested the proposed accounts and that alone could take the 10 property like this have the funds available. months. Anybody interested in the proper-
sale of the commercially-zoned sites, or 15 days allotted for the bidding process. Trustee Matt Oddy was also in favor of ty is already aware we are putting it up for
claiming development would interfere Bowman was adamant, however, that allowing more time for potential bidders sale. This will just make the sale totally
with their enjoyment of the adjacent prop- “15 days is plenty enough time. I think two on the property. He suggested that posting transparent.”
erty. Trustees, while sympathetic, weeks is plenty of time. It's been out there the property with for sale signs and pub- Trustees discussed the necessary infor-
explained that the sites were commercial- for a long time that these properties were lishing the notice of sale would also take mation to be included on the signs and
ly zoned and in a commercial area and going up for sale,” he said. He insisted that time, and could take up to 10 days or two suggested that the township have a packet
that the sale of the properties in question serious bidders for the property would weeks to have printed. with all the information about the proper-
was necessary in an effort to bring growth have the financial means available and Bowman said that rather than the two ty available at township hall and post the
and development to the township. would not need the extra time. weeks to have signs printed, he could have description and all pertinent information
During the meeting Oct. 24, trustees Trustee Peggy Morgan agreed with them “in the ground at the sites tomor- about the property and the bid process on
argued that an extension of the originally LaPorte that the time should be extended row” and said his office would take charge the township website.
proposed time to bid on the properties to at least 30 days. of the signage at all three of the sites being The board members agreed to open the
was necessary. Trustee Don LaPorte sug- “I don't see why there is a huge rush” sold. bidding process Nov. 3 to allow Hurst and
gested that the 15 days originally proposed she said. “Let's give half a shot to anybody “I'll get the signs sign post them myself. Bowman to ensure that all the necessary
to allow bids and proposals be extended to who wants to who might want to buy. Let's It won't take me 10 days to get a sign,” information and signage was complete.
45 or even 60 days. LaPorte said that give everyone a fair shake,” she said. Bowman said. Bids will be accepted on the properties
potential bidders might need the time to Bowman remained unconvinced and Township Clerk Esther Hurst was also until close of business Dec. 3.
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ORDINANCE NO. 2021-004
Article VII is amended as follows:
Sec. 2-409. - Appointment of the Board of Cemetery Trustees
Increases the total number of trustees to six by adding a non-voting Trustee appointed
by Council from its members.
Sec. 2-410. - Duties of the Board of Cemetery Trustees
Amends language by empowering the board of cemetery trustees to "propose" mainte-
nance, preservation, and management of the Romulus Memorial Cemetery.
ADOPTED, APPROVED, AND PASSED by the City Council of the City of Romulus this
25th day of October 2021.
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the Ordinance as passed by the City
Council of the City of Romulus at a regular Council Meeting held at the Romulus City Hall Council
Chambers on the 25th day of October, 2021.
I further certify that the foregoing was published in the Associated Newspapers, a newspa-
per of general circulation in the City of Romulus, on the 4th day of November, 2021.
Romulus City Clerk
Within forty-five (45) days after publication of any ordinance duly passed by the Council, a petition
may be presented to the Council protesting against such ordinance continuing in effect. Said peti-
tion shall contain the text of such ordinance and shall be signed by not less than six percent (6%) of
the registered electors registered at the last preceding election at which a Mayor of the City was
elected. Said ordinance shall thereupon and thereby be suspended from operation and the Council
shall immediately reconsider such ordinance.
Introduced: 10-11-2021
Adopted: 10-25-2021
Published Effective: 11-04-2021 RM0611 - 110421 2.5 x 6.21