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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                          October 17, 2019

                                                                        Calendar of events

        Hall of Fame ceremony set              Women voters hosting auction
           The new members of the Wayne          The League of Women Voters of
        Westland Athletic Hall of Fame: Ernie  Northwest Wayne County will host their
        Righetti-track and field and basketball-  annual auction from 11 a.m. until 2:30
        coach and athlete; Katie Horton  volley-  p.m. Saturday, Oct. 19, in the Alexander
        ball athlete; 1975 Championship        Blue House at Greenmead Historical
        Wrestling Team- athlete; Lorenzo Guess-  Park, 20501 Newburgh Road, Livonia.
        football and basketball athlete; LaVelle  Admission is free and light refresh-
        Guess-basketball and football athlete and  ments will be served.  There will be a
        Ron "Corkey" Hayes-community member,   door prize drawing for guests and many
        will be inducted during a ceremony     auction items including holiday gifts,
        tomorrow evening.                      baked goods, wine, and handmade items.
           The official induction will take place at  Event tickets and guided tours are among
        halftime of the Wayne vs. John Glenn foot-  the many items to be auctioned.
        ball game set for Friday, Oct. 18.       All proceeds will go toward the work of
        Individuals, team members, family mem-  the League of Women Voters.  For more
        bers and friends of those listed are   information, call (734) 591-0995.
        expected to be on hand. The game will
        begin at 7 p.m. at Wayne Memorial High  Freedom Fund Dinner set
        School. The event is also open to the gen-  The NAACP Western Wayne County
        eral public.                           Branch will host their 22ND Annual
                                               NAACP Freedom Fund Dinner from 5-8
        Free concerts at PARC                  p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 20 at The Prestige
           Free live musical performances are  Banquet Hall located at 6600 Allen Road
        now being offered at the Plymouth Arts  in Allen Park.
        and Recreation Complex (PARC).           Seating will begin at 4:30 p.m. and
           The series of concerts will be offered  there will be a Mix and Mingle Soiree
        monthly at noon on Fridays and is pre-  from 7-8 p.m.
        sented by the Wilcox Foundation.         Lt. Governor Garlin Gilchrist II will be
           These free concerts will feature profes-  the keynote speaker at the event which
        sional musicians from the Eden Arts    will honor Roy Wilson as the Lifetime
        Cooperative, Main Street Opera Theatre,  Achievement Honoree; Congresswoman
        Michigan Philharmonic Orchestra and    Rashida Tliab will be the Great
        other performing arts organizations locat-  Expectation Honoree; Wayne County  Spooktacular event to take place
        ed at PARC.                            Commissioner Glenn Anderson will be
           PARC is located at 650 Church St. in  honored as the Leading Through           The Van Buren Township Parks    event is free and family friendly and
        Plymouth. To reach the Band/Music      Service/Elected Official Honoree; Jaylia  and Recreation Department annual  a live disc jockey will spin eerie
        Room, guests should park behind the    Washington will be honored as the       Candy Loop will take place at Quirk  Halloween music.
        building off Adams Street and enter    Trailblazer; the Seeds2Feed Foundation  Park from 4-6 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 26,  The Parks and Recreation
        through the Activities Entrance. For more  will be the Community Service Honoree  rain or shine.                  Department is seeking candy dona-
        information, call (734) 927-4090.      and Judge Deborah Thomas will be the       The 'spooktacular' event will take  tions and volunteers to help distrib-
                                               Freedom and Justice Honoree. Tickets for  place behind Van Buren Township  ute the treats.
        Holiday Tea reservations available     the event are priced at $100 for adults and  Hall on the small walking track near  Participating businesses will have
           The Canton Historical Society will  $50 for youth tickets.  Each ticket includes  the pavilion. The park is located at  the opportunity to hand out promo-
        present "A Holiday Tea" from 1-3 p.m.  a one-year membership to the NAACP.     46425 Tyler Road.                  tional material at a table. Business
        Saturday Dec. 7 at the Bartlett-Travis  Tickets can be purchased by sending pay-  The event is a twist on traditional  participation deadline registration
        House located at 500 North Ridge Road.   ment to: Freedom Fund Dinner Western  door-to-door trick-or-treating and  is Oct. 21 and can be completed by
           An afternoon tea will be served in a  Wayne County NAACP P. O. Box 207      the loop includes various stops    calling Jennifer Wright at (734) 699-
        historic Canton house decorated for    Inkster, MI  48141 or contacting Dakima  along the track for ghouls and gob-  8921 or at jawright@vanburen-
        Christmas accompanied by live music.   Jackson at (734) 891-8643 or Gina Steward  lins to collect candy and treats. The
        Tea will include sandwiches and small  at (313) 949-3133.
        desserts and visitors can learn a bit about
        how Christmas in Canton used to be     Young Frankenstein on stage           all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast from 8  prepared for long lines as this is expected
        spent.                                   Inspire Theatre will present the Mel  a.m. until noon Saturday Oct. 19.   to be a high volume event.
           Tickets are $25 each and available at  Brooks musical Young Frankenstein    The annual event is a fundraiser for   For questions about the event, call (734)
        the Summit on the Park, 46000 Summit   weekends Oct. 18 through Nov. 3 at the  the Christmas campaign of the group  394-5184.
        Parkway in Canton.                     Westland Center for the Arts, 33455   which provides holiday gifts to the less
           Seating is limited so early ticket reser-  Warren Road in Westland.       fortunate in the community. The breakfast  Canton hosts Monster Mash
        vations are encouraged, organizers said.  The play is rated PG 13 and is not suit-  will take place at the Booker Dozier  The 21 and older crowd are expected
                                               able for all audiences.               Recreation Center, 2025 Middlebelt Road  at the Second Annual Cherry Hill Village
        Art House exhibit opens                  Performances are set for 7:30 p.m. Oct.  in Inkster.                      Monster Mash beginning at 7:30 p.m.
           The Northville Art House will present  18, 19, 25, and 26 and Nov. 1 and 2.  The donation is $10 at the door and is  Saturday, Oct. 19 at The Village Theater at
        POSE: Portrait and the Costumed Figure  Performances are planned for 3 p.m. Oct.  tax-deductible.                  Cherry Hill in Canton
        featuring portraits and figurative work  20, 26, 27 and Nov. 2 and 3.          For    more    information,   call     The adult Halloween party will feature
        created in graphite, mixed-media, oil and  Tickets are priced at 418 and available  Goodfellows President Barbara Cooper  favorite top 40 hits and Halloween covers
        pastel by 12 female artists.           at     (313) 505-1140.                       by Atomic Radio. Guests can also partici-
           This free exhibition will continue    For more information, call (734) 751-                                     pate in a costume contest, cash bar, and
        through Oct. 26 during regular gallery  7057.                                Canton sets Shredding Day             refreshments.
        hours, noon until 5 p.m. Tuesday through                                       The Canton Downtown Development        Audiences will be treated to a unique
        Friday and noon until 4 p.m. on Saturday.  The Happening set at museum       Authority (DDA) will host a Shredding  experience as the main focus of the event
        Visit for more  The Wayne Historical Society will host  Day event from 8:30-10:30 a.m. Saturday,  will be a dance party on stage where
        information.                           The Happening, a haunted tour featuring  Oct. 19 in the IKEA parking lot, located at  there will be a bar and tables for seating
                                               several Wayne characters in a spooky set-  41640 Ford Road.  This event is open to  in between dancing.
        Mall-O-Ween Spooktacular set           ting, from 7-11 p.m. Oct. 19. The event will  Canton residents only and identification  Tickets for the event are $15 for Canton
           The 3rd Annual Mall-O-Ween          take place at the Historical Museum, 1  will be required.                   residents and $20 for non-residents.
        Spooktacular is set for 2-4 p.m. Saturday,  Town Square, at the corner of Main and  Canton residents can bring up to two  Purchase tickets online at www.cantonvil-
        Oct. 19 at Westland Shopping Center.   Biddle in downtown Wayne.             boxes or bags of paper to shred.  There is or by calling (734) 394-5300.
           There will be bounce houses and       Admission is $5 and tickets can be pur-  no limit to the size of the boxes/bags but  Tickets can also be purchased at The
        inflatable sliders, face painting, balloon  chased online or at the door.    participants must be able to lift the boxes  Village Theater Box Office one hour prior
        twisting and airbrush tattoos along with a                                   out of the vehicle unassisted. Officials  to event time.
        phot booth with a free 4 by 6 inch print.  Goodfellows serving pancakes      said the two box/bag limit will be strictly  The Village Theater at Cherry Hill is
        There will also be a craft table, games and  The Inkster Goodfellows No Child  enforced.  All documents will be shred-  located at 50400 Cherry Hill Road,
        music.                                 Without A Christmas effort will host an  ded on site and participants should be  Canton.
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