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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                          October 13, 2022

                                                       WAYNE - WESTLAND
                                                        WAYNE - WESTLAND

        Wayne voters asked for 8-mill tax hike

           In addition to choosing three  the market value of a home,                                                              “friendly” lawsuit which the city
        city council members, Wayne vot-  would cost the owner of a                              ”                                 did not defend in 2020, the city
        ers will be asked to approve a  $100,000 home in the city about               The city is currently levying                was ordered by the court to levy
        new 8-mill tax hike on the Nov. 8  $400 annually.                                                                          13 mills to pay the pension costs.
        ballot.                          City officials have stated that               the maximum tax amount                        The city is currently levying
           The new tax levy will be used  the pension obligations are too                allowed by state law.                     the maximum tax amount
        to help fund the pension obliga-  steep for the current tax revenue                                                        allowed by state law and must
        tions of the city toward retired  collected. They claim that nearly                                                        have voter approval to increase
        public safety employees, accord-  40 percent of the city budget is  pension fund within the next two  that while the city has 202  taxes any further. Voters have
        ing to city officials. The new tax,  paid into the pension fund.  years and does not have a rev-  retirees collecting pension pay-  rejected requests for increased
        which is $1 for every $1,000 of  Officials claim that the city will  enue base to make those pay-  ment, only 76 current employees  millages from the city twice in
        assessed valuation, usually half  owe another $16 million into the  ments. Currently, officials claim  are paying into the fund. In a  past elections.
                                       New officers join Westland

                                          Last week, new officers     of Dorr, and obtained an associ-  agencies are struggling to
                                       Patricia Harris and Joshua     ate's degree in applied sciences  recruit and hire officers and
                                       Cardenas officially joined the  from Grand Rapids Community  there are simply more openings
                                       Westland Police Department.    College, and is a graduate of the  than interested candidates.
                                       Harris, who grew up in         Grand Valley State University  “The city is very happy to be
                                       Brownstown Township, said      Police Academy. He started his  able to swear in two quality and
                                       she always wanted to pursue a  law enforcement career in 2018  experienced police officers to
                                       career in law enforcement and  with Roosevelt Park and then  join the Westland Police
                                       finally decided to chase her   Waterford Township. While in  Department which has nearly
                                       dream in 2020 when she joined  Waterford Township he was a   56 years of tradition and a
                                       the Detroit Police Department  field training officer, use of  proud history which includes
                                       where she served for two years  force instructor and an instruc-  more than 300 men and women
                                       before joining Westland.       tor in rifle, taser and firearms.  who have taken the oath to
                                       Cardenas was born and raised   Westland officials noted that  serve and protect our commu-
                         Patricia Harris  in the small west Michigan town  currently all law enforcement  nity,” they said.                     Joshua Cardenas
        Death of Wayne police therapy dog is mourned

           Zeke, the first accredited ther-  December of 2019 and quickly  "We deeply appreciate the
        apy dog of the Wayne Police    became an asset to the communi-  community's support throughout
        Department, died last week fol-  ty and to officers who face stress-  Zeke's time at Wayne PD. The
        lowing a battle with cancer.   ful situations on a daily basis,  therapy dog program does not
           Members of the department   officials said. All expenses for  end with Zeke.
        and the community are mourn-   Zeke, including all training, dog  “Zeke has already inspired
        ing the loss of Zeke who had   supplies, veterinarian checks,  therapy dog programs at multiple
        become a popular figure in the  membership to the therapy dog  other police departments. Zeke
        community, attending multiple  association, and other costs were  will not be the last therapy dog at
        city events and welcoming visi-  paid personally by Wayne Police  Wayne PD.
        tors to the police station. Police  Chief Ryan Strong.          "If anyone wishes to honor our
        officials said that the positive  In an announcement last     friend Zeke's memory, please
        impact Zeke had in the commu-  week, posted on the Wayne      consider a donation to First Step.
        nity and the department inspired  Police Facebook page, the   Their Ark program allows sur-
        several other local departments  department expressed senti-  vivors of domestic and sexual
        to invest in therapy dogs.     ments regarding the loss of their  assault to stay with their pets in a
           Zeke joined the department in  beloved companion.          safe place," the post concluded.                                                     Zeke
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