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District leaders explain need for bond vote
Julie Brown ” approve the measure, be retro-
Staff Writer We do have tremendous support, fitted for safety so all building
visitors enter through the build-
Leaders of the Wayne- I think, with our ing administration office.
Westland Community Schools community and our staff. Air conditioning is also on
are getting the word out on an tap pending voter approval,
upcoming Tuesday, Nov. 6, bond with Mitter noting asthma is a
proposal vote which would levy least a year needed to assess safe, successful schools common student problem that
4.48 mills for the school district and design buildings with staff improve community-wide prop- air conditioning will help
based on each $1,000 State input. The 2020-21 school year erty values. address.
Equalized Value of a home. or the following is the earliest She agreed of older voters Internet connectivity is also
“We were able to refinance for closure, with plans for an “it's a little harder for them to covered in the bond plan. The
the amount to give our taxpay- not yet known middle school as possibly see the value.” current brick buildings impede
ers a break,” said Jenny well as two elementary schools. The Wayne-Westland bus that, Johnson noted.
Johnson, district director of Both Mitter and Johnson fleet is still passing Michigan If approved on Nov. 6, plans
communications. The money, if stress no high school will close. State Police inspections, but are to down the road add a Shelley Holt
the bond is approved by voters, They encourage voters and staff Mitter noted 80 percent of the Science, Technology,
will be used for needed build- to attend forums and ask ques- bus fleet needs to be replaced. Engineering, Arts and Math coming to them” for informa-
ing repairs, with a calculator on tions, and are addressing some Wayne-Westland is leasing building. The grade levels for tion.
the district website at inaccurate information posted school buses and borrowing that aren't yet known as the Johnson went through a to enter a on social media. them from other school dis- Instruction Department would Wayne-Westland school closing
home value to determine the At least 100 community tricts. need to develop curriculum. Dr. some 10 years ago as a mom,
amount the owner will pay. meetings have taken place, they The district transports via Shelley Holt, superintendent of and agreed it's often harder on
Johnson displayed video on said, and the Western Wayne bus 8,000 of its 11,000 students schools, who came from a adults than students. The dis-
her phone of recent rainstorm County NAACP has hosted back and forth daily. “They're school leadership role in trict, pending voter OK, will cel-
damage inside Marshall Upper voter registration drives recent- passing inspections, but they're California, has done that with ebrate the last full school year
Elementary School. Noted ly at Wayne Memorial High tired,” Mitter said of school several school buildings, and it “to honor that building history,”
Maria Mitter, district supervisor School, John Glenn High buses. would repurpose a closed said Mitter, adding children
for Family and Community School, Tinkham, an alterna- “People are always shocked Wayne-Westland school. will move with their friends.
Engagement, the cost of a roof tive school, and Hicks by the cost of things, roofs, boil- Johnson and Mitter see “We do have tremendous
on an elementary school build- Elementary. ers,” said Mittler, noting some Wayne-Westland staff support of support, I think, with our com-
ing is some $500,000 while a Polls will be open for voting $250,000 needed to buy a boiler. the measure. munity and our staff,” said
middle school roof replace- 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 6, The average boiler in district “They will be involved in the Mitter. The money can, if
ment runs about $750,000. and absentee ballots were just buildings is 45-years-old, and design process if the bond pass- approved by district voters,
Johnson stresses there will mailed. Johnson noted for sen- despite good maintenance es,” Mitter said of teachers. only be used for capital proj-
be no school closings in the ior citizen voters district lead- nearly all need to be replaced. “Teachers recognize it rains in ects, not salaries, textbooks or
2019-20 school year, with at ers talking to Realtors who say Schools will also, if voters their classroom. And we're curriculum.
Council OK's school officer Charges expressed their sympathy to Mr.
Marshall's family and said that since the
The liaison officer at John Glenn High W estland incident policies and procedures in each
School will remain at his post for another Superintendent of FROM PAGE 1 department had been carefully reviewed
year. Schools Dr. Shelley to ensure that such an incident would not
Last week, members of the Westland Holt. to the prosecutor. occur. Both departments also instituted
City Council approved the extension of “This school year Westland Mayor William R. Wild added training, according to a prepared
the annual agreement between the City of we are beginning the expressed his condolences to the family statement, to ensure the safety of prison-
Westland and Wayne-Westland process of training our of Mr. Marshall and vowed that such an ers.
Community Schools to provide match educators and liaison incident would not happen again. “We are fully committed to ensure that
funding for the Police Officer Liaison officer in restorative Joseph Reardon Westland Police Chief Jeff Jedrusik and nothing like this ever happens again,”
position at the high school for the 2018- justice to assist in Fire Chief Michael Stradtner each Wild said.
2019 school year. building relationships that support our
The agreement, which splits the cost of students and our school district which
the officer between the city and the school help support a strong community. We are
district, was first implemented in 2007. fortunate to work closely with the City of
Westland Police Ofc. Joseph Reardon will Westland to provide this liaison officer
fill the position. program in our district and community,”
Reardon has served on the Westland she said.
Police Department for 7 years. He is a “Liaison officers are responsible for
mental health and first aid instructor as ensuring the safety of students and staff
well as a member of the Honor Guard. both during school hours and at special
“The police liaison officer interacts events,” commented Mayor William R.
daily with students and provides opportu- Wild. “One of the most important duties
nities to build positive relationships of a liaison officer is to help build a trust
throughout the school and assist in remov- between students and law enforcement,
ing the negative stigma associated with which allows law enforcement to inter-
law enforcement,” commented Wayne- cept problems before they escalate.”
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