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2019 Wayne Athletic Hall of Fame revealed
Wayne Memorial High housed at Jake's Again Lounge. School campus and will com- Championship Wrestling Team- The official induction ceremony
School has revealed the 2019 Original members of the Wayne- prise individuals who have athlete; Lorenzo Guess- football will take place at halftime of the
Athletic Hall of Fame Westland Athletic Hall of Fame been identified as having a and basketball athlete; LaVelle Wayne vs. John Glenn football
inductees. comprised community mem- direct connection to Wayne Guess-basketball and football game set for Friday, Oct. 18.
The Hall of Fame had been bers, athletes and coaches from Memorial High School. The athlete and Ron “Corkey” Team members, family mem-
part of the Wayne-Westland St. Mary's, John Glenn High new members of the Wayne Hayes-community member. bers and friends of those listed
Athletic Hall of Fame that was School and Wayne Memorial Westland Athletic Hall of Fame The Hall of Fame committee are expected to be on hand.
created to honor area athletes High School. include: Ernie Righetti-track members felt these individuals The game will begin at 7 p.m.
and their accomplishments and The new Hall of Fame will and field and basketball- coach met the criteria for inclusion in at Wayne Memorial High
encourage community pride. be housed in the Alumni Arena and athlete; Katie Horton vol- the Wayne Memorial High School. The event is also open
The original Hall of Fame was on the Wayne Memorial High leyball athlete; 1975 School Athletic Hall of Fame. to the general public.
Westland police launch educational visits on vaping
Michigan retailers are no educational campaign by visiting any prohibited products offered and they will conduct follow up the banned products.
longer allowed to sell flavored e- establishments currently selling for sale," said Westland Police to ensure that they continue to E-cigarettes come in flavors
cigarettes without being fined or these types of products. Chief Jeff Jedrusik. "We will have comply with the emergency such as cotton candy and bubble
serving possible jail time, accord- "The purpose for these visits a team of community officers on rules, he added. gum. The health risks of these e-
ing to new state laws. will be to educate the shop own- the road for the next few days There is also a component to cigarettes remain unknown but
Police in Westland are taking ers on the emergency rules reminding them of the ban." the emergency rules that deals have proven to be dangerous,
the new law seriously and have issued by the Department of Officers will instruct shop with advertising restrictions for Jedrusik said.
assigned police and traffic Health and Human Services and owners to remove offending
bureau officers to conduct an ensure that the shops do not have products if they have not already Settlement and students. School board
Fall Into Fashion Show is set FROM PAGE 1 members subsequently voted
to suspend Holt with pay
The members of the Wayne service to others, grant student show, there will be an opportunity while the multiple complaints
and allegations were investi-
Ladies Literary Club are hoping scholarships and promote good to shop and ask questions about fying a new superintendent to gated by an outside law firm.
to bring a little of the excitement fellowship among its members, a the fashions seen on the runway. lead our district in what will Holt almost immediately filed
of the fashion shows in Milan, spokeswoman explained. “I am so excited about this surely become one of the most a racial discrimination law-
New York and London to the local The club awards two $1,000 fundraiser because the communi- exciting rebuilding eras in suit seeking $2 million in
community with their Fall Into scholarships to female students ty is supporting the youth of today district history,” said Cox. damages and a restraining
Fashion event. each year: one to a senior at to further their education for they “With stable finances, new order against the district.
Fall Into Fashion is the 2019 Wayne Memorial High School are our future. I am also looking employee contracts in place, “Our mission is to educate
fundraiser for the group. The and one to a senior at John Glenn forward to visiting with other major facility upgrades on the and prepare all of our stu-
Coral Sash, a modern boutique High School. This fundraiser is a women in the area,” explained horizon, and a new curricu- dents to be knowledgeable,
with vintage charm located in major event for the club with pro- Fashion Show Chairman Judy lum coming online, the school responsible,contributing
South Lyon, will be bringing the ceeds going toward continuing to Howton. district is looking forward to members of a global society
latest styles to the runway using award those scholarships. “I have been to several of Coral making positive changes in “This requires a dedicated
real women as models. The Coral Fall Into Fashion will begin at Sash's fashion shows and they are virtually every area of study teaching and administrative
Sash bills itself as a space where 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 15 at the great, and you can shop and pur- for every student,” he added. staff functioning in an envi-
“grandmothers, mothers, and First Congregational Church of chase a special outfit if you like. I Holt came under fire for ronment that recognizes and
daughters could shop together in Wayne, 2 Towne Square in Wayne. am looking forward to laughing, her management style and appreciates that dedication.
one place.” There will be light refreshments, having fun and maybe winning a controversial decisions dur- The board is committed to
The Ladies Literary Club has basket raffles, a 50/50 drawing basket or the 50/50 drawing,” she ing a standing- room only pub- maintaining that environment
been in existence since 1896. and shopping. Tickets are $35 added. “The tickets are going lic meeting last June when for all employees,” Cox con-
Their mission is to stimulate each and are available by calling quickly so call and get your tick- she was criticized by parents cluded.
intellectual development, give (734) 729-7247. After the fashion et.”